chapter five

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Alana Romano

1 week later
Work has been, ok. A lot of creeps walk around this house. They keep touching me I want to say something but can't also I don't want to be killed so that's why I keep my mouth shut. Also, Victoria and Stella became super close. And there are a lot of Alvero's whores who think they rule this annoying place. When you think someone is not like that, they are. They act like they're married to him. And then they proudly announce that they slept with him once and never talked to him again if you ask them something.

The men are skipping odd lunches today, but I don't mind a free afternoon. I, Vic and Stella make some lunch for ourselves. "You know who talked to me today," Vic says. We both shake our heads. "Alvero, he told me that you're parents are coming here. You're dad and mom." She tells me. Why would he tell her that and not just me? And why does let them come here he doesn't do that kind of stuff for maids. "This is the first time in 3 years that I work here that he's doing something nice for a maid," Stella says. "And for me the first time in 5 years," Vic says. "Yeah, I don't know but I don't want to talk to them."  

They both nod and then one of Alvero's men walks in. "You're the slut Alvero talked about your parent are waiting in his office. He will also be there if you want or not." Not knowing what to do I just nod my head. He walks out and I  don't know what to do out of surprise. "Alana breathes in and out, you got this. I know how you feel, if my parents got the chance to see me I wouldn't want to see them either." Victoria says with a sign. "But you have to do what il capo says, otherwise you'd be murdered." (the boss)  "I know I just can't look my mother in the eye. And my stepdad and I don't like each other, and he's why I'm here." Stella gives me an encouraging hug. "You got this and afterward we'll be  here for you if want." Vic also hugs me and I leave the kitchen.

With shaking legs and holding my breath out of fear, I walk to Alvero's office. Why does god hate me? Seriously, out of all the maids Alvero chose me to be the one getting a visit from their parents. I knock on the door of the office with shaky hands and wait. After a long time of waiting the door opens and Alvero stands on the other side. "Finally little miss Cinderella makes time to see us." He says while rolling his eyes. "That doesn't even make sense," I say walking into the office. 

There he sit, slumped in the chair with whatever kind of alcohol in his hand. He looks me in the eye and smirks as if he's getting some satisfaction seeing me. I look around but don't see my mom anywhere. I wish she was, I miss her a lot. "Sit down,"  Alvero says in a demanding tone. "No, I don't want to be here so tell me what you want me to hear and I'll be gone," I say hoping I didn't roll my eyes, cause sometimes it goes automatically. "Sit your ass down before we both regret it," Steve says.

 "Well, I am no longer yours because you sold me to pay off your fucking debt so I'm not going to regret shit," I say. Now he looks like he realized and sat back down. "Okay, so now that we have had our..." Alvero says pausing mid-sentence, "Happy family reunion we can go back to the reason you're here." 

I look in his direction and he looks like the devil himself, with no emotions on his face and ready to kill anyone and everyone. "Do you want to tell her or should I," Alvero asks Steve? Tell me what, I swear if they made another deal on me I'm going to freak the fuck out. "You tell her, don't spare her heart. She doesn't have one." Steve says. Come from the man who abused me, raped me. "You're going to marry me because being my maid doesn't pay off your daddy's debt with me," Alvero says. My eyes grow wide. I'm going to fucking what?

 "No, the fuck I'm not," I say in shock. "I was forbidden to have a boyfriend, to go out on my own, or go to college because I would whore around all the fucking time. Your words, not mine." I say pointing to Steve. "You forbid me to do anything and I'm finally free from a fucking monster. Do you think I'm going to marry one?" I say.  "Listen it's either you marry him or they kill me." He says. "And I don't think you want your mother heartbroken because she lost her dear boyfriend, again." 

Did he just throw my dad's dead in my face? "Listen get this in your peanut sized brain." I say. "I don't care if you die because you're a monster, and my mom let you everything you wanted with me. So now that I don't see her every day it opend my eyes that she is not one bit less then you." For the last part I look him in the eye. "I don't fucking care about neither of you." 

the deadly silence in the room was becoming uncomfortable until mister devil decided to speak up. "Well if we have to do it the hard way we will do it that way." He says. "You Alana Romano are going to marry me Alvero Russo. If you want it or not, so would you rather do it while saving your family or while killing them?"

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