22. Shivay

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I wait for her near the car. We're leaving early morning because during the day , dear father is really busy to meet us .

"Cash , cards, jacket " abhimanyu gives me my stuff while devansh places the suitcases in the car . "Your car keys , fuck I feel like I'm your mother " he chuckles and immideatly his face turns pale.

Devansh gives him an annoyed look titling his head to the side.

"I shouldn't have--- said"

There are things I don't like talking about to anybody including shru . Some things don't need to be discussed because all they bring is pain ,misery and so much fucking guilt .
I snatch away the keys and deadpan "now don't Start crying "

"Don't forget any of your stuff including her " he grins and points to my heartbeat standing with her bags .

"Ofcourse I'll take all my precious belongings with me " I smirk " and yours too "

He looks at shru but soon catches a glimpse of crystal coming with a suitcase.

"Where the fuck are you going " he screams . Fucker will make the whole university get up this early in the morning.

"She's coming with me "

"And who permitted you for that " I look at her with a poker face .

If crystal comes , she'll be sticking to my girl forver which includes sleeping together . I have other plans .

"Why can't she come " she crosses her arms in front of her chest .

"You want me to say it here " I smirk and she shrugs .
"She's coming " she deadpans .

"Then I'm coming too. " abhimanyu gets inside the car .

Finally, my plans are fully , literally and actually fucked up .

"No " I deadpan

"I want to ask dad about Zara's wedding, I'm really pissed off" he clarifies .

"She needs to run away from kiaan so you're left with no choice " shru speaks as devansh takes her suitcase .

At least abhimanyu will distract crystal . So we're sorted I guess.

"Fine , I have no issues, you coming too ? "

"Nope , there is a certain fucker hitting on my finance on a daily basis , can't leave "devansh gets away from the car.

"In case kiaan Raghuvanshi does something, just let me know and yo---"

"Naah , don't worry I'll handle him "

"You sure as hell can't handle my brother, actually nobody can " Crystal speaks.

"You don't know me yet babygirl " devansh smirks.

"Baby fucking what ? " Abhimanyu lunges out of the car towards devansh .

Yes , kill each other motherfuckers , end it already.

"Woah , woah chill emperor, I take my words back . I'm sorry crystal " devansh raises both his hands .

Abhi glares at him one last time and gets on the driver side seat while I settle myself on the passenger side .

A lot of things have been going on in life lately , sometimes even I can't figure out which way to go . This time I've just thought, I'll tell dad everything. Isn't it ironical that a father would justify how his son doesn't deserve a girl and how he would find someone better for that girl than his own son .

When we reach back home after a long and tiring journey , aunt awaits us in front of her house .

"Look who's back, Abhi I've received too many complaints, I'm so gonna rebuke you later " her eyes land at crystal and they turn double the size "ohh my--- waao , who's this pretty girl , she looks like those barbie dolls "

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