14. Shivay

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"Fuck off " abhimanyu growls as I keep my eyes fixed at the screen of my laptop .

"Why won't you tell me what you saw up there , what was it?" Devansh questions and Abhi squeezes his eyes. We're just back from the Monsters University at 1am. and it was damn fun to attack them. It was abhimanyu who wanted to do it because those fuckers think they control the whole damn world .

"Did you see a witch " dev jumps down the hood of his car .

"Probably " he Sighs making us both exchange glances .

"Seriously?" Devansh asks in the most dramatic tone and his phone lying near me on the car seat rings .

" kainat is calling you " I inform him and he rolls his eyes .

"Talk of a witch and she's here "

I put his phone on silent while devansh keeps asking abhi about the reason he's drinking so much and the reason he's depressed.

We've parked in middle of the jungle and I'm checking all social platforms where the news about the attack on IMU is spreading like wildfire.

And the fucker who is the main reason behind it is drinking like there will be no tommorow.

"Maybe it was an illusion but there was blood ,how is it possible " abhimanyu mumbles making me chuckle.

"This shit must be really good " devansh says looking at the bottle in abhi's hand .

Suddenly my phone dings with a text from my heartbeat . She usually doesn't have the courage to text me , let alone face me. So it is surprising for me. I'm mostly busy so it has been a long time since I last saw her . This doesn't mean I don't know what she's doing. Being the son of my University's owner , I can get the footage of all CCTvs and what not .

Heartbeat : shiv

With that text I instantly know that she is nervous. It's good because when she isn't nervous or scared she pulls some fuckery to piss me off.

Shivay : ??

Heartbeat : where is Abhimanyu? And I'm not the one asking Zara is .
I look in front of me and abhimanyu has downed three bottles . That fucker is asking for a good beating that's it .

Heartbeat : He is with me and Alive , maybe drunk, go sleep heartbeat.

I place my phone in my pocket and get out of the car , grab him by the upper arm and drag him towards the car.

"I'm sorry " he mumbles .

"Shut the fuck up " I say and devansh chuckles .

" I'm sorry love "
I look at him with wide eyes before throwing him inside the car.

"Gross" I mumble and devansh bursts out laughing .

"He's prettier than shruti , you can give it a try "

"Not before I piss in your skull " I glare and he gets on the driver side speaking "that is gross "

"Take me back , take me back there " abhimanyu screams irritating me .

"So that kiaan Raghuvanshi can tear you limb from limb tomorrow?"

"Fuck kiaan " abhimanyu grunts .

"That is quite a visual" devansh chuckles.

"We'll talk about that when he comes to know what you did to his Mansion "

Kiaan Raghuvanshi is the owner and king of IMU , our rival university , his monsters club and an entire mafia empire. The guy is much dangerous And ruthless than any guy you'd ever see . He's the only one I feel is my level.

But abhimanyu doesn't give a fuck about who he is . Big fucking mistake .

Never underestimate your rivals.

I take out my phone and text her again.

Shivay: don't sleep , I'm in a mood to talk.

She replies after five minutes of seeing the text .

Heartbeat: are you coming over ?

That earns her a soft chuckle.

Shivay : maybe , maybe not keep guessing.

She doesn't give another reply and soon we reach back our Mansion . I throw abhimanyu on his bed. He's acting so strange and words like love from his mouth really mean something .

I'm so gonna interogate that tommorow.

I pull out my phone walking upstairs to my room.
Throwing my t-shirt away I walk Towards my bed and pull up her chat.

Shivay : how's your class ?

Heartbeat: everything is fine . I'm okay .

Shivay : the classmates?

Heartbeat : I don't Care , I just know about me and my studies .

Smart answer.

Shivay : anything else you need to tell me ? Before we jump to the sexchat .

The three dots appear and dissappear for a few minutes. Why are you thinking so much?

I dial a call and she immideatly picks it up .

"Tell Me" I deadpan.

"I-- Shiv "

"I'm listening . Speak or you want me to come over ?"

"No --- I " she sighs "don't be too angry , don't try to kill anyone. I found a love letter in my locker for three consecutive days "

I clench my jaw . Who is the motherfucker in my university who doesn't know she's mine ?

"Name ? "

"There's no name , maybe it's just a prank " she tries to brush it off but I won't let it slide like this .

"Send me pictures " I hang and open my laptop to check the footage .

Heartbeat: why do you need the pics , I threw them away. They were rubbish.

Shivay : are you sure you threw them ?

Heartbeat : I am.

I zoom on the letter she holds standing in front of her locker on my laptop screen .

We'd love to run a train on you .

My blood turns into lava and all I can see is red . How the fuck did anyone dare ? Further in the video she looks disgusted as she crumbles the paper and throws it in the Dustbin.

She was wrong , these are not love letters . They are perverted and abusive . I shut my laptop with so much force and storm out of my room. Some fucker has a death wish I'd love to grant.

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