6. Shruti

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"What do you mean he hates you ? " Zara almost jumps up screaming.

"He said that " I voice casually brushing my hair . We are in my bedroom and a hell lots of guests are downstairs and in the Mansion across ours . All party members, higher officials, big business tycoons and every important personality of the country is here to showcase their support for tanmay uncle. The morning breakfast with party members went smoothly but I have great doubts about this party . However my mom dad and their teams have been taking Care of everything whereas I and shiv have been told to behave, mostly he is .

Everyone knows I've nothing to do with trouble untill his dirty toungue drags me into the middle of problems .

"You're kidding right " inayat voices with her eyes fixed at her phone while I look at myself in the mirror. I'm dressed in a maroon tulle dress paired with black pencil heels.

"I'm not " I check my makeup and open the door to my room.

"Did he say anything else " Zara whispers following me down the stairs and I shake my head .

He said a lots of dirty shit but I don't wanna think of his depraved thoughts right now.

"She must be Shivam's daughter " a lady whipers looking at me "Did you see Raichand's Heir. Ohh my God he's so handsome, he just came back from the US "

"Really? "

"Ofcourse , I'm so gonna try and set him up with my daughter "

"Yes please do " I mumble and head out while both Zara and Inayat keep following me .

A car stops in front of our house and kainat steps down from the passenger side seat . Devansh drives the car towards the parking area while she steps towards us .

"Why is so grumpy today ?" Zara asks her.

"I don't know and I don't care . He keeps blaming me for us being stuck in this engagement "

"Why don't you both break it?" I whiper .

"We will eventually " she chuckles and all four of us now head towards uncle's Mansion.

There is such a huge fucking crowd of guests in here . A mix of all different types of expensive perfumes is suffocating me . However , an ideal daughter of aristocrats never vanishes from the scene . I stand in a corner and greet the guests and politely answer their questions. Kai hits me with her elbow slightly and my gaze bounces from her to the staircase from where my dad , tanmay uncle and Shiv strut down . The guests gasp looking at him . Most of them must have already dreamed of him being their son in law .

He joins Abhimanyu and Devansh but he keeps staring at me .

All of a sudden all three of them pace towards us .
"How have you been , you didn't even text me " Zara hits her fist on his chest lightly and he smiles.

Psychopath is now gonna pull an act .

"Was a little busy little siso but now I'm going nowhere " he keeps staring at me and an awkward silence prevails between all of us .

"Are you gonna convince my dear father ?" He smirks and I ignore him like a little annoying fly .

"Shru he's talking to you " Inayat whispers.

"What's wrong with her " devansh frowns .

I glare at him and speak "please tell your friend that I'm not his slave . "

"Don't force me to make you" he deadpans and all of them look at me with wide eyes.

"Ahem " abhimanyu smiles "what's cooking in here ?"

I walk away from there but when I look over my shoulder he's still shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

What the fuck is even his problem?

Ronny, the son of my dad's friend and a very important part of his party stops in front of me. His dad is Vivek Agnihotri , a very very powerful man .

"Why are you standing here alone "

I shake my head and smile " the party is boring for me "

" I know right, all elderly talks . Are you coming to dev's party? It's gonna be damn good " he chuckles.

"It won't be possible considering we have too many guests "

"Ohh I see " he speaks and his phone rings .

"Excuse me " he says taking the call. Most of the eyes turn towards him and whispers erupt in the hall .

"WHAT ???" He almost yells and someone grabs my arm to turn me around .

"Did you see this " Zara speaks showing me her phone . It's a news headline .

Breaking News : Right before the elections ISPP , takes a very drastic decision.

Removes a prominent member from their allies . Just now during the press conference the strongest PM candidate Tanmay Raichand and his party announced that Vivek Agnihotri is no longer a part of their party or allies.

I turn my gaze towards the conference room which is still closed but two eyes are fixed at me across the hall and his gaze his filled with rage .

"How could he do this " ronny yells and walks away .

"I'll tell the others " Zara heads away with her phone . Shiv heads to uncle's office after signaling me to follow him . With shivering legs I enter inside the glass door which automatically shuts as I step in.

He's sitting on the last chair with infuriation dripping from his face .

I turn around to leave but his voice echoes in the room "Don't you dare turn your back on me " he glares and I gulp down the lump in my throat placing my bag and phone on the table with shivering hands.

"You don't want to make the situation worse now ,do you heartbeat?"
I shake my head and he pats on the glass table in front of him .

"Bend " my throat goes dry and legs shiver when he gets up instantly and the chair behind him slides backwards. He removes his coat and throws it on the chair before folding his sleeves.

"I'm seriously done for " I mumble.

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