2. Shruti

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[Age 18]

I place the glass on the counter and stroll out of the house .

"Miss , I've cleaned your room " a househelp says and I nod and smile.

"Thank you " I step out and sit on the front porch. The Mansion exactly in front of my eyes is his home.

A black Thar stops in front of it and Abhimanyu jumps out of the driver side seat while Devansh from the passenger side .

Abhimanyu is Zara's brother. They both are Shiv's friends and are really close to him . Infact they go to visit him in U.S. after every six months but these wankers never give me a single detail of him . He doesn't even use any social media .

I have a feeling that they've been spying on me secretly .

"Ohh look who's waiting for a certain someone " Abhimanyu walks towards me.

"And she has dolled up herself for him today " devansh chuckles

"What's your problem? " I deadpan and they both just won't stop bickering .

Soon I hear the sound of cars approaching and my heart becomes a drum .

Abhimanyu and Devansh stroll forward as three black cars stop in front of the Mansion . I instantly get up as my dad , uncle and all others step out of the cars one by one.

My eyes are fixed at the last car . Some servants take out his bags from the car as I see the door opening .

And then he steps out of it . My eyes freeze at his face . He's taller than abhi and Daivey . His skin is a little tanned and his chest is wide as the Black t-shirt presses over it .

He hugs his friends and greets my mum while I finally cross the road . I touch my hairpin walking towards them .

"Here , my princess I brought him back home safe , are you happy now ?" My dad chuckles and all other laugh . My cheeks turn red .

Why the fuck are you blushing ? He's the same arrogant friend of yours , what if he has transformed into a tall , dark and handsome --- shut up .

His eyes finally land at me and I smile but he keeps looking at me with a poker face . Literally his gaze travels from my head to toe .

Why is he looking at me like that?

"Hii " I speak in a low voice as the family members head inside.

"Just a hii ? I expected a slow motion hug or something " abhi chuckles.

When I look at him again his eyes are still fixed at me . His gaze makes chills run down my spine and then he strides inside with his friends following him .
He didn't even say hii . Is he trying to be extra arrogant today ? Huh! Asshole .

"They forgot this bag " a servant speaks taking out a small messenger bag from the car .

"Give it to me " I speak and he shakes his head " you don't need to miss , I'll take it . I don't know how they forgot it when they picked up the suitcases ."

"It's okay , I'm going there. I'll take it" I speak and take the bag .

When I stroll inside , suddenly my phone vibrates and the bag falls from my hand and I hear something breaking .

"Ohh shit , what did I break " I unzip the bag and there are cards , some cash , goggles and --- condoms .

My eyes turn double the size and my heart sinks to my stomach .

"Calm down shru , we don't Care about his sexual life. He's a grown up man now . Ofcourse he-- " I check the other pocket and there is a tablet inside. I broke it .

" that arrogant asshole is gonna kill me if he finds out " I quickly zip the bag and walk inside. They all are sitting in the couch area and I walk to his room to place the bag on the bed.

"How's he gonna know " I exit the room and stroll towards them .

"Seriously " daivey chuckles .

"Ofcourse he has become so handsome , girls at high school must be head over heels " my mum laughs soflty as shiv smiles looking at her .

Is he ignoring me on purpose ?

"He has tons of girlfriends " abhimanyu speaks eating a cookie .

"Why are you jealous? Coz you couldn't get even one "

"Fuck off , the girl I'll choose would be a queen . That day you'll be the most jealous creature on earth. "

"Language Boys " my mum walks away .

"Why are you standing there shruti , come here " daivey pats on the couch next to him and instantly Mr arrogant shoots daggers at him with his eyes.

"I'll get more snacks " I say and stroll towards the kitchen.

"Asshole , you haven't even spent a minute with us and you're hitting us already " devansh yells as I walk out to serve them cold drinks .

"Wait, wait , I wanna record this " abhimanyu takes out his phone as I bend in front of shiv to offer him the cold drink .

He looks up at me without moving .

"Woaah!! the intense eye contact " devansh speaks .

Shiv tilts his head to the side and deadpans "Wanna die ?"

"No thanks " he says to me and gets up before storming to his room . He slams the door and daivey mumbles " rude asshole "

They both head home and our parents go to the party office. So this is my perfect time to talk to him .

I knock at the door but it's already open.

I slowly push it and he's standing there shirtless . My jaw drops to the ground looking at his well built frame "has he spent ten years at gym ? "

He unbuckles his belt and is about to remove his pants but I scream " ohh shit " and place my Palms on my eyes .

He turns around and looks at me furrowing his brows.

"What do you want " he questions.

"Why are you ignoring me ? Do you know how much I've--- missed you shiv . Can we talk ? I have so many things to tell you starting fr---"

"Get out " he deadpans.

"What ? Wha--"

"I said get out " he takes a step closer to me .

"What's wrong with you " I try to speak but he grabs my upper arm and throws me out of his room . I hardly stop myself from falling on the ground when he slams the door on my face .

Tears barge in my eyes and I sprint out of his house , cross the road and rush upstairs to my room .

"I Hate him so much " I scream and fall on the bed breaking down in tears .

"He changed " I sob " he totally changed "

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