16. Shruti

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He looks at me for a moment and his rage melts down into concern . Grabing the back of my head , he pulls me closer to his chest as I sob .

"You don't understand shiv, you will never understand me "

"I do"

"No you don't, you can never ever feel what I feel " I push him away .

His body goes rigid .

"Don't " he deadpans as tears stream down my face . I sidestep him and stroll towards my room .

"Where are you going " he questions as I slam the door behind me and lock it from the inside . I place a palm on my mouth to muffle my cries sitting near the door.

After a while they turn silent and it gets dark outside because of lights turned off. The time is 4 am. and I can't stop myself from crying . Another dark aspect of my life is crying spells . It's when I can't stop myself from crying no matter how hard I try . When I feel like the walls are coming closer and closer to enclose me in gloomisness and darkness . Will there ever be anyone who will understand me?

I never wanted shiv to leave ten years back . I wanted him to stay with me . At high school when people had friends , I missed him . I felt lonely . He was nowhere when I needed him the most and finally when he came back , what did he do ? He said he isn't my friend !

At present life is nothing more than a mess . A dirty , deranged mess . I don't know where everything is going. Sobbing, I pick my phone to check the time and it is almost 7 am.

My phone rings with a call from Tanmay uncle. Only he can call so early in the morning .My eyes hurt and my head is aching so bad .
I know somewhere that I overreacted again but I cannot Deal with all this without so much of grief .

"How are you doing uncle " I ask and get up from the place where I've been sitting for hours .

"Hard working as always , how's the university "

"It is awesome " I chirp and he chuckles "no need to Overreact . Tell me if there are any issues "

"Not at all , I'm having fun" I twist the door knob and I freeze for a moment seeing shiv sitting near my door .

He has been here all the time ? When he looks at me he gets up and I almost forget that I'm on a call .

"If you need any adjustments in the schedule , just tell your teachers and I've also arranged for a special culinary class for you . Make sure to enroll "

"I will keep that in mind "

"Shruti I have a party meeting in five , do call me later if you need anything and focus on studies plus tell me if shivay creates any troubles "

"Okay " I say as he kills the call .

Shiv looks at me anxiously before pulling me into a hug.

"I was so worried " he Sighs as I curb my urge to cry once again .

"Everything is alright . I'll protect you" he caresses my back.

"Who will protect people from you " I chuckle .

"Fuck People " he speaks before we both laugh out loud .

"Are you hungry , I'm gonna cook " I smile .

"You need to sleep "

"I'll sleep after this " I head towards the kitchen and Zara hasn't come back untill now . I have no idea what abhi will do if he comes to know about his sister.

We eat breakfast together. kainat steps out of her room afterwards " what's the delicious---" she freezes to find us both sitting so close . I instantly get up from his side and stroll towards the kitchen .

"Unbelievable " she huffs as shiv smirks .

"That fucker is finally awake" devansh walks inside the apartment " where is Zara , she'll be in trouble if he comes here "

"She'll be back soon" I voice and shivay leaves his seat ready to exit .

"What happened to you " kainat asks and devansh the arrogant prick ignores her again. Why is he even engaged to her when he doesn't give a fuck about the engagement.

"Dev" she holds his wrist and he yanks her hand away .
"What the fuck is your problem goddammit " his voice echoes in the hall .

Shivay furrows his brows crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"What the fuck is your problem ? Stop treating me like a piece of shit you moron, I'm trying to be nice here " she yells and that's my girl .

"What do you want from me ? To pretend like a fiance ? "

"Last I checked You ARE my fiance "

"Last I checked this engagement is a business fucking DEAL "

" so fucking what ?"She Growls " that gives you the right to treat me like garbage , like I'm nothing?"

"If you feel I'm treating you like that, get out of my fucking way and stop behaving like a fourteen year old damn clingy girlfriend who is so dumb she cannot even see her place"

Kai's lower lip trembles and that's it . I slam my Palm on the kitchen counter " can you stop being a jerk for once ? "

"Can she stop being an octopus for fucking once ?"

I open my mouth to counter him but shiv grabs my upper arm dragging me out of the house . They both keep yelling as we stand outside .

"Leave me , I'll tell that --- "

"Shut up " he pins me to the wall.

"My friend needs me "

"No she doesn't " he deadpans , "she can handle her personal life herself. You don't need to be there for everyone every fucking time"

"But shi--"
His lips crash on mine before I can speak anything as he devours me in a passionate way . I try to push him away but he pushes harder. My physical strength is nothing compared to his .

He pulls away and looks into my eyes " I'll be a little busy for a while heartbeat , so don't do any kind of stupidity when I'm not around. I have my eyes on you . Keep yourself safe and beautiful " he leaves a peck on my cheek before strutting down the stairs . My heart aches whenever he walks away like that. Devansh storms out and when I walk in kai has shut her door and I can hear her sobbing.

"Kai" I knock her door " I'll give you your time but I'm here for you okay "

"Hmm " she voices and I go to sleep.

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