15. Shruti

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My heart is racing as I pace in the hall and I'm turning more and more restless with each passing second . Two of my friends Zara and Ishani, another new girl who stays with us have left with Archit .
Okay so Achit has a love hate relationship with Zara and Ishani is his friend's sister .

I don't know everything is so fucked up right now .

I knew he'd react like that , thankfully he doesn't know what the pervert had written in those letters otherwise he would have raised hell in the university at 2 am .

"Shruti !!!! " someone bangs on the door and my spine jerks straight. Kainat steps out from her room trying hard to open her eyes. 

"How much more drama is gonna be there in this night ?" She mumbles in a sleepy voice heading towards the door.

There is another loud bang on the door and she flinches "I hope you are not a serial killer because if you ar---" her face turns pale as she faces devansh who is panting  like a dog .

"Dev are you alright " she is about to frame his face but he shoves her aside like the asshole he is and stops right in front of me .

"He is seriously going to jail and don't forget he'll ruin his dad's career too if you don't stop him right now "

I sidestep him and dash out of the apartment while my heart is ready to jump out through my mouth . When I step in the main campus area , someone's screaming and shrieking voice can be heard from the hostel building.  Devansh and kainat stop behind me as I raise my eyes to see where exactly the sounds are coming from .

"Come with me " devansh says and rushes up the stairs of  the right wing closest to us . One the second floor we rush through the corridor and mostly rooms as empty because my vision fills with a huge crowd of students forming a circle around the crime scene . I clutch my chest . No no no  .

On the mere thought of something bad happening to him , my heart aches . Keeping aside him being my best friend , his twisted relationship with me , He is family . My family .

I sprint towards the crowd shoving people aside . Devansh pushes a few away so that I can reach to the center. Most of the students gasp when they see me .

When I finally find shiv , my body turns numb . He has an iron rod in his hand completely smeared in blood and drop by drop blood is dripping from it . His white t-shirt has blood stains on it and there are four guys lying on the floor . By the looks of it , I don't think he's done with them yet.

He twists his wrist with the rod in his hand and slams it against the temple of a guy who shrieks. 

I rush towards him and grab the rod .

"Leave it " I deadpan and his face is cold , emotionless .

He looks at me for a second before he growls and I almost turn deaf because of it . "You dickheads have the courage to pick on my girl ? " The rod falls from his hand making a shrill voice .

The students turn silent while he squats and grips the hair of a hardly alive guy.

"If I ever see your face again in my entire lifetime,  I swear on my heartbeat I'm gonna tear you from inside out "

"Enough " I grab his bicep and pull him with me away from that place . When we walk down the stairs everyone keeps gaping at us . I reach the apartment and take him to my bathroom . I wash my hands and then his rubbing them vigorously.  He keeps looking at me anxiously while my chest is aching so bad.

What if any of those boys die  ? There are thousands of kids who can turn out to be witnesses and he will be ruined forever. I'll go meet him in the jail while his dad will be facing humiliation as his career shatters to pieces . Indian Politics just needs a small little reason for turning a flame into fire .

"Shru" he speaks and I'm in no mood to teach him politics because he's not a kid .

He knows what he did . He very well knows the consequences better than me .

I start to walk out of the bathroom to ask devansh for some clothes for him but he grabs my arm to stop me . Framing my face with both hands he looks into my eyes "if you think I should regret what I did then I won't . I'll be happily sitting in jail for murder of an asshole who attacks your honor,you are  mine and my family's dignity"

It feels like a jab through my heart that he doesn't care . He doesn't care how much my uncle has worked hard for this throughout his entire life . He doesn't care that I'll be devastated if he ends up in prison,  away from me.

"Good" I nod with a painful smile and yank my arm away from his grip .

"Why are you mad at me " he snarls.

"Because I'm hurt " I yell back .

The door opens and devansh , kainat and inayat step inside .
"I am hurt . What the fuck do you think you were doing "

"Stop yelling " he deadpans " you don't like my ways so fucking bear with it  because if anyone looks at you with lust I'm gonna tear him apart . I don't take shit from random motherfuckers about the girl I love. "

Now he declared it in front of everyone. What are they gonna think ? That I've been hiding a love relationship from them since I was a kid ? He ruined the image of our purest relationship in everyone's eyes.

"There was a reason I was hiding it "

"And you are so damn stupid"

"Fine , if I am stupid so fucking be it. You keep your smart-ass away from me" I growl and Strom out of the room slamming the door behind me .

"What the bloody hell " he screams and within a few seconds he grabs my elbow and turns me around.

"Shiva calm down " daivey says as a tear slides down my cheek .

"What the fuck do you think you are doing "

"Running away from you " My voice breaks .

"She's right shivay " kainat speaks "your dad would be so mad if he comes to know"

"If my dad comes to know what they did , they'd be in jail for charges of terrorism on them "

"You keep your mouth shut" devansh glares at kainat .

I feel like I'm surrounded by toxic guys everywhere.

"Dare to step away from me again and I'll show you the consequences heartbeat and I swear I'm not bluffing " he looks at me with daggers in his eyes .

I don't dare to take a step ahead as uncountable tears stream down my cheeks.

This relationship will not only destroy me and him but it will also devastate our family .

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