3. Shivay

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The world is not for weak minds . Everyone is a sinner , having deepest darkest secrets . On the outside people pretend to be perfect but I love seeing through the masks .

I think the only man I've seen without any kind of masks and with the purest heart is my uncle Shivam Birla . From my name to my strong personality, it's all a gift from him . I don't blame him with the darkness residing in me because he doesn't need to know about that but if we talk about masks , his wife puts on a facade that she's the happiest woman on earth but deep down, she's scared that she won't ever be able to make a name of her own . She's insecure of her own husband because women aren't treated equally in the field of politics and she's not blamable for that .
My own father looks like the most powerful man in the country but nobody knows him more than me , he has hundreds of masks on . He's a weak man on the inside but is ruthless for others . His biggest weakness is the girl whom he considers his own daughter. He can see anything but tears in her eyes . I guess daddy and I have too much in common. Anyways, his weakness then is his son who can anyday taint his reputation . At least that is what he thinks. Then my friend , Abhimanyu who is just like a younger brother to me . That fucker has no weakness but a defect . He isn't able to control his temperament issues but he covers his personality fully with a mask of a tough guy and a middle finger attitude.
Dev is always up for troubles, for others he is a guy who doesn't Care about anything but himself but on the inside he has zero control on his life and is stuck in an engagement. Fucker is ruining his own life and of a poor girl.

Then comes the girl next door . The definition of perfection, miss prim and proper , high class daughter of a politician. Does she have masks ? Abosluty yes and I'll make her take them off.

No matter where I went , what I did , how many girl I was surrounded by at my High school, there is no match to her . The elegance , the class she carries herself with are unmatchable and that is when I realized the only girl that will ever look like a fucking match to Shivay Raichand is her . My fucking best friend .

She's all I've ever desired but the thing is, it will scare the shit out of her because of her fucking moral values . If she even gets a glimpse of just one percent of my dark thoughts about her for the last ten years , she'll be shaking in her shoes. By the way she was looking at me just now , the way she wanted to talk , for her I'm the same . Whatever was between us is the same for her , friendship with limits and inside the fucking boundary but for me it isn't. I can't behave the same with her when I've been fantasizing about having her in my bed for so many Years now.

How can she expect me to not think of her like that when she barges into my room in a tiny red dress and hair that would look perfect in my fist.

All I could think of was grabing her by the hair and bending her over on the table. Fuck her unstoppable.

So what type of a girl would be able to get into your bed shivay?

A girl at my high-school had asked me and all I could think was about this tiny girl with long, silky hair and a fuckable sexy body . A girl who deserves to be loved , to be cherished and worshiped.

"The only girl I'll ever touch is you my heartbeat " I keep my eyes fixed at her balcony . Why doesn't she come out ?
I missed you shiv .

And I couldn't stop thinking of you for one second. Not in class, not in gym, not at home ,not outside never ever .
You are the most significant part of my life.

It has started to get dark and my dear father has just arrived home. If I am right, then

"We need to talk " he voices standing at the door and I nod .

"Shivam is here too, so behave "

"Relax " I place the coffee cup on a table while walking out as he glares at me .

When I enter inside his office , Shruti's dad sits on a chair looking at some papers while his PA . talks to him . Aunt Nisha walks in with some files which means she's alone at home right now .

"Take a seat Shivay " he smiles and I nod pulling a chair for myself . My dad sits across me and they keep discussing politics .

"Tommorow we have an early morning meeting with the party members for your confirmation to be the PM candidate " Uncle tells my dad and he nods .

He turns towards aunt to say " tell shruti to take care of the breakfast tomorrow ,she's world's best chef so the party members will be impressed " my dad smiles and she nods .

"I'll tell her "
As far as I remember she's the worst cook of this world .
Hmmm things have really changed .

"She learnt cooking? " I casually question looking at her mother . She lets out of a soft laugh and nods " she has been taking culinary classes as it's her dream to open a culinary academy "

"Your dad has already bought hundreds of acres of land for her " shivam uncle chuckles while turning the pages of his file .

Ofcourse my dad would do that for her. She's his favorite child after all . Even if she tells him to back off from the race of Prime Minister he'll do that too for her.

His best friend's daughter, his own daughter, the perfect girl , morally correct, bound by rules , everyone's favourite , obedient, sincere, honest and blah fucking blah .

"I see you've taken special care of your physique when you were out "shivam uncle looks at me and I politely smile and nod "I just had to find something to kill time , all I had there was time and money "
My dad glares at me and I still smile . If you want to stay here , you'll have to compete with Shruti's level of sincerity otherwise you are a useless , wasteful, money eating caterpillar in my dad's eyes.

" I'm proud of you for growing up into such a handsome man " he speaks still looking at his file .

Shivam unlce and aunt Nisha are different because for them , I'm not what I am for my dad . They treat me better than their own daughter which says something considering they raised her like a queen.

"Shru goes to gym too" her mum smiles.

Now that is some information . I see where the sexy figure came from to specially torment me .

"Which one ? I want to join too" I ask and dad glares at me again.

"Stay away from her , you're only going to create troubles for her " he deadpans .

"Don't be so harsh tanmay , he'll only give her company "shivam uncle say and yes I'll only give her company .

"I'll give you the card " aunt says and nods . I get up and stroll out of the room as my dad goes on talking.

"A party meeting and breakfast early morning, then a special party and press conference for team and party members in day time. Both shruti and shivay need to be present here at that time "

Wait a fucking minute .

"I need to go somewhere " I turn around and look at dad .

"Now what is your problem ?" He growls .

"There is a party at Daivey's . I and shruti need to attend in the evening "

His expressions soften and why won't they when I mention an angel's name .

"What type of a party are you taking her to ? She's not coming and you too are not going " he deadpans and I smile fucking politely before stepping out of his damn office .

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