Chapter 10

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The moment when the Kauravas saw the Pandavas, they started to show hatred to them in every manner it possible. At first Pandavas tried to befriend them, but they refused.

And the cause of the enmity is Gandhar Raj Shakuni, Gandhari's brother and Kauravas uncle. He has swore to end the Kuru dynasty from when Gandhari had blindfolded her eyes. And he uses his nephew as his weapons. Yes he loved them dearly, but this didn't forbade him to use his nephew as pawn of revenge.

But a wrong decision changed the plot and the fate.

Among Pandavas, Bhim was the one with whom Duryodhan had most fight. And he had strength like hundred elephants. So Shakuni decided to kill him first.

One day when the Kuru princes went to picnic, Shakuni also went with them. He poisoned the Laddoos. He knew Bhim can't resist himself to eat Laddoos. After that he went to search Duryodhan to give the news. But he couldn't find him. He became worried.

When he returned near the kitchen, the scene he saw made his adrenaline flow.

He saw Bhim was eating the poisoned Laddoos, but Duryodhan also ate it. Before he protested them, the came by the river, became unconscious and fell in it. And within moments they were flowed.

Shakuni let a scream " DURYODHAN!!!" but what else he could do. His vegnence cost him his most favorite nephew.

The worst part was giving the news to Gandhari. Yes he told them half truth. But somehow Gandhari already knew his role in that incident and blame him. She was crying with Kunti. The cry of these two mothers, whose son died just for him, tear his heart. And this was the first time he saw Kunti as his sister. And he swore to them that he will return their sons at any cost. Even he had to fight with Tridevs to bring them back, he will do that.

But did they really died? Nah, they didn't totally. When they ( or their corpes anything you say ) were floating a eighteen year old boy was practicing archery. He saw two boys flowing. He jumped in the river to save him. When he rescued them, he find them poisoned. So he tried to pull out the poison.

When he was trying  he also get poisoned. So he fainted. And that time a person appeared in front  of them. He was Vashuki Nag. He pull out the poison. After that, three of them got consciousness. When they opened their eyes they saw Vasuki nag was standing in front of them. The said " Pranipat Vashuki nag." Vashuki said " Kalyan ho. I am impressed on you three. Who are you? " Bhim said " I am Kaunteya Madhyam Pandav Bhim." Duryodhan said " I am Gandharinandan jestha Kaurav Duryodhan. " After this that boy said " I am Rohininandn Parashuram shishya Karna. "

Vashuki being satisfied gave Bhim and Duryodhan the boon of never getting poisoned and the strength of thousand elephants and Karna the boon of healing.

As soon as Vashuki disappeared, Karna take these two princes to the village.     

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