Chapter 9

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In these few years kunti's life to much changed. At first Pandu got the curse of infertility as he accidentally killed a sage's wife. Then they decided to go ob exile. While going to exile, they thought to take Karna with them. But when they got to Gokul, they found the villagers moved to Vrindavan. So they went there.

But when Kunti saw Karna is playing and laughing from a distance, she decided to leave him there. She can't snatched away his happiness from him. She has already done a sin to abandon him.

They moved in the outside of  Khandavprasth, where snake doesn't live.

Two years after Pandu requested Kunti to chant that spell and evoke a God to have a son.

She evoked Lord Yam or Dharmaraj and got Yudhisthir.

A year after she got Bhim from Pavan dev.

A year after Lord Indra gave her Arjun while Madri got Twins, Nakul and Sahadev fro Ashwinikumardway.

They were living their life in peace but the happiness doesn't always remain.

One day Madri playfully took some fag and put it on on Pandu's face. Then Pandu also done that. When they were busy at their game, Madri fall on Pandu's chest causing him pleasure. But this pleasure caused his death as he was cursed.

At the time Kunti was doing household works. At that time Nakul came running to her and " Matashree some thing happened to Pitashree. He isn't responding. "

Kunti ran to Pandu and find him dead. 

That day Queen mother and Pandu's grandmother, Satyabati came to visit them. But when she found his favorite grandson is dead, she thought to leave for Banprasth.

Madri was so shocked that she couldn't think what to do. So she killed herself.

When Yudhisthir had done the last rites, they returned to Hastinapur with Bhishma and Vidur.

But there was another problem. Gandar Raj Shakuni, Gandari's brither has poisoned his nephews'  mind against Pandavas. So they hate each other as possible.

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