Chapter 6

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Three months latter
It had been three monts science Pand had left for the battle. In these days Kunti waited for him. She grew more impatient as the days went on. In these days she and Gandhari became close. She opened her heart to her. And Gandhari was the one except Pandu who knew of Karna. She was feeling sorry for both the mother and son.

But today at dawn the gurds heard a symphony of sanai. Maharaj was returning. Everyone was happy. The whole palace was decorating.

But who is she with Pandu!!! Kunti exclaimed in mind.

Very soon the chariot of Pandu stopped. He decended from it and said " This is Madri, the princess of Madradesh. I've married her to have an alliance with Madra." Kunti's whole world shattered arround her.

But she remained calm at face and welcomed Madri.

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