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Back in Adda's room, the man who had loved Adda laid on the ground, tied down.

Geralt and you paced the room, deep in thought of your next move.

"Witcher!" The man scowled. "This is madness! What are we doing here? What's happening?"

"How can we lift the curse?" Geralt asked.

"No!" Is all the man said. "This is not right. Foltest must pay for what he did."

"Explain that to her," You muttered.

"Carry me out," The man said. "I order you."

You scoffed.

"Tell us how to lift the curse," Geralt said, again.

"Sh-she was hiding from the Brotherhood," The man stuttered. "She sold me a lamb. Sh-she told me to wait u-until a f-full m-moon, to wait and then to kill i-it."

Geralt crouched down to be eye-level with the man, you standing with your arms crossed behind him. 

"And then I recited some silly chant," The man continued. "And then I bathed in the lamb's blood until sunrise. Until the rooster crowed three times. And that is all. I swear, I swear! Now please, let us leave."

"What was the chant?" You asked.

"It was years ago!" The man said, looking up at you.

You looked at him, tilting your head and allowing your green eyes to glow, and the man started panting with fear.

"It-it was Elven!" He said. "Erm-"

He fumbled on the words, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to remember it.

Geralt suddenly shot up, grabbing you and taking you to the dresser, looking around.

"Wh-what is it?" The man asked, with worry shaking in his voice. "The-I-I've done what you've asked! What more can I do?"

"Nothing, unless you can keep a striga out of her crypt until a fucking rooster crows three times!" Geralt spat.

Your eyes widened.

You looked at Geralt with fear, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

"You're gonna have to fight her till dawn," The man said, quietly.

Geralt handed you a green potion, that when you drank it, it would give you more power in your magic and it would allow automatic reflexes to act quicker.

Geralt drank his potion, and after a few minutes, both your eyes were glowing.

His was replaced with a shade of black, as dark as midnight, and your eyes were pearl white.

Geralt grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you out of the room with the man screaming, which none of you paid attention too.

Your fear was gone, and was replaced with a quiet feeling inside.

Never Let Go - Geralt of Rivia x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now