Anniversary Dinner

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"Honey?!" I hear my husband yell out from the living room. "Yeah?" I ask him as I make tea. He opens the door and walks in with a cute little puppy dog. I gasps as he walks over with him. "This is Scout, he's a border collie." I take the puppy from him and smile from the puppy to him. He puts his hands on both sides of my head and kisses my lips with a smile. "Happy anniversary honey." He gives me one more kiss before taking scout. "Thank you! I love you so much James." I start crying as he wraps his arms around me. "Dad, what did you do to make mom cry?" I sniff and look over at my son. "It's okay honey, he didn't do it on purpose, I'm just emotional." Harry James Potter smiles and walks over to me and hugs me. "Happy anniversary mom!" He turns to his dad and realizes he's holding a fluffy animal "so is this our newest sibling!" I hear a gasps coming from the doorway "excuse me! Newest sibling?!" I see my daughter walking over to us. Gosh they both look and act like James it's ridiculous.

Isabella Euphemia Potter is her name, she gasps once she sees the little furball "oh my gosh!" She giggles taking the puppy away from James. The two teenagers walk into the living room, leaving James and I in the kitchen. He sighs and mumbles kids, making me laugh and kiss him. He helps me finish the food and set it out on the table.we said Grace and ate together, then walked into the living room and watch family videos that we've taken over the years. After a couple hours, I noticed the kids had went to sleep with scout in their lap. I smile up to James, he kisses me and pulls me closer to him. I am so blessed by the Good Lord above, there is no other way I would've wanted to spend my anniversary.

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