Babysitter Prongs

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The marauders were sitting around talking, when one of Remus's kids come up to ask him a question looking at his momma. "Daddy how did you meet mommy?" Remus smiles remembering the memory.

I sit in the chair and watch as everyone dances. "Would you like to dance with me?" I hear a guys voice turning around and see one of the most popular guys in school...Remus Lupin. "Why me? There are prettier girls who have been trying to get your attention all night."

"There's a beautiful girl right here that I would love to spend the rest of my night if she will let me." I smile and put my hand in his.

He walks me back to my dorm and I see his friends behind him "I think someone is waiting for you." He looks back at them , they all smile and holding up their thumbs being stupid and embarrassing him, he groans and turns back to me. "I would love you see you again if it's okay?" I nod give him a kiss on the cheek and open the door  "Thank you for tonight Remus." He smiles back "the pleasure was all mine." I smile to him walking into the common room.

I smile listening to Remus as he tells the story to our kids. "Are you going to tell him about the little surprise?" I sigh and nod my head "of course!" My husband clears his throat "what surprise." I smirk to Lily "the fact we are having another baby." I grab my drink and drink it. "Your saying this as if it's an everyday occurrence." I side eye him "it kinda is.. we already have four.." James snorts "I wanted a whole Quidditch team." Lily and I look at him with a crazy expression "are they coming out of you!? No! If you want a dang Quidditch team then you go get pregnant."  He huffs looking at his wife. "I'm sorry lils and you!" Pointing to me "you are scary when pregnant..." I smile "it hasn't even started.." Lily giggles all three of us look up at Remus "we are going to have five kids!" I nod "after this no more" I lean over and grab a thing of grapes filling my plate with cheese , crackers, and meats. "I'm serious remus I know Moony loves to breed but I can't take it on my body anymore." He nods kissing my temple.

Sirius looks over at Marlene "No Sirius.. We already have two, besides you said you were okay with two." He nods "I think it's in the air." I laugh "yeah okay.." I hear a collective of kids holler out mommy! I turn to see all my children walk up around us. "Can we stay here tonight? Reggie and Cassie are staying and they asked if we could." I turn to look at Lily she nods "you wanna take on six kids?" She nods "more like James will.. this is your example of the quidditch kids you wanted babe." He smiles happily "you guys can stay!" They all yell out yay running inside. "Good luck, your gonna need it prongs!" He looks at Remus questionably "why? I'm used to it they stay over like every weekend." I smile "yeah, but Lily usually helps out. Now it's just you."

Two days later we met up at the Potters for Sunday lunch. When I walk in everything was so chaotic. "What is going on?" Lily shrugs with a smile. James comes downstairs looking ruff. He looks over to us and sighs in relief. "Thank goodness your here!! She's right we can stick to two." I smile "now you know how hard it is huh?" He nods his head, the kids then run up to us "mom dad! Uncle prongs was amazing! We've never had this much fun!" Remus looks over to him "what did you do babysitter prongs?" James smirks and points up the stairs.

There was then a scream of horror as Marlene came down laughing. Sirius was right behind her crying. "Dad are you.." he full on sobs. "What is wrong with you?" He points to his head taking the beanie off. His hair was rainbow colored. "You poor thing." I say walking away towards the wives. The kids all run outside to play as the other two marauders try to calm down a hysterical padfoot. "Padfoot chill it will come out."

I shake my head "they knew better not to do that to him, knowing his hair is everything to him." Marlene nods "I know, but it was too funny not to watch. The kids couldn't pick a specific color so prongs chose rainbow." I laugh "gosh don't make me pee myself."

It was the end of the day when we told everyone bye. When we got home we sat the kids down. "You guys we have something to tell you.." they look at us with blue and brown eyes. "What is it momma?" My youngest walks over to me he looks just like Remus. "Well Teddy we are going to have another baby, you will guys will be older siblings." Teddy throws a fist in the air "yes I'm not the youngest anymore!" I giggle and pick him up "no, but you will always be my baby boy along with you Hudson lyall and my baby girls!" I start tearing up "Emerson claire and melody hope." A tear runs down my face remus leans over and wipes my tears away. "Sweetie they aren't going anywhere, they are fine." The kids run up to me and jump on the couch between their father and I and two on our laps. "Yeah momma! We love you! And we are excited for the new baby!" I smile thinking how blessed I am with my little family.

Later that night we laid the kids to sleep. Getting in our bed remus pulls me to him, cuddling me close "I love you darling. I can't wait to have this little one with you. I'm also sorry about moon's constant breeding." I smile a tired small smile laying into his arms. "It's ok, i would not have it any other way." He kisses my temple and we went to sleep.

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