Telling the family

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Malfoy and Potter prt 2

The next day we all stood at platform nine and three quarters looking for our parents. Taylor looks around "mine aren't even here..." I look down at him and rub his back "it's ok you'll be living with us now." He smiles wrapping his arm hugging me to him. "There she is!" I turn and watch as Sirius runs towards me. "Hello love!" He kisses my cheek James pushes him out the way. "I'm sorry about him.." I look towards Remus and giggle "it's fine really it's just Sirius. Besides we will be family soon" I look back at Sirius as he wears a smirk wiggling his eyebrows. "Best believe it! I can't believe the wedding is this weekend!" I shake my head "Sirius behave at the wedding please." Regulus says to his brother Sirius snorts "nice try little brother, but this is cissys wedding we are talking about. I have to make a little fun." Reggie turns and looks at me I smile as he shakes his head.

"I'm going to a wedding?!" I smile down and nod at the small boy "yes love!" He smiles and grabs his things "let's go I'm ready for my new home!" I smile and grab James's hand. He walks with us until we get to our parents, who are talking about Lucius's wedding. "So we will see you guys there?" The potters nod smiling.

My mother claps her hands together "okay! I'm sorry to cut off this lovely conversation, but we have to get these kids back to the house." James mother smiles and nods "oh yeah with these four it's a hassle." The four boys look at her with offended faces. I giggle turning towards James.  "I'll see you later?" He nods kissing my lips "woah when did this happen?!" My father asks "we actually need to talk about that." My father smirks "that's perfect since the potters and the boys are coming over for dinner tonight." My brothers eye twitches "their what!?" I snort as Narcissa comes up beside my brother and kisses his cheek. "Hello my future wife" I smile as she blushes and says "hello my future husband."

We apparate back to the manor and go up to our rooms. I walk Taylor to the one that's in between Lucius and mine. "This is your room now. He walks in looking around " this is amazing! I've never had anything like this!" I question him "what have you had?" He looks down "a uh..old mattress." I nod my head "it's okay now you have a nice clean room "go ahead and make yourself comfortable and put everything up." He smiles and nods doing as I say I shut the door behind me walking to mine.

My mother was sitting on my bed when I walked in. "Come sit" she says and pays the space beside her. I walk over and sit beside her. We sat in silence for a few seconds "I think you have something to tell me." I look down at my hands "how do you know?" She smiles and takes my hands in hers "sweetie I'm a mother and I was pregnant once too." I nod "so I'm guess James is the father." I nod "you know we are going to have talk with his parents too right?" I nod and sigh as she kisses the top of my head. "Not only am I getting a grand baby, but also I have a first year we have somehow adopted." My mother laughs "it's ok, I read what Lucius wrote me. He explained everything about Taylor's condition." I nod my head.

Later that evening the Potter flooed to the malfoy manor. "Reggie!" Cissa exclaims making me jump.  "Calm down it's okay." I look over at my father "I'll handle him ok?" I nod. "Hello beautiful!" James walk over taking my hand and kissing it. "Hi.." I smile to him he kisses my lips. Lucius leans over "cissa and I talked about it and we think you should tell dad today. We know you don't like doing big things like this. And it causes you stress so go ahead and tell him. Mom is watching us too." I nod and grab James's hand " my lovely parents and lovely company, we have an announcement to share."

James's eyes go huge "what are you doing?" I answer "if I don't do it, it will eat me alive." He nods "James and I are going to have a baby.." our parents just stare. "About time! I was waiting for you to tell me all day since we got home." My jaw drops at my dad "your not mad?" He gets and angered look at James "oh I'm mad, but you have a good man that will take care of you and the baby.. right?" He looks to James and James nods back very quickly. "I'm a grandma?" James nods to his mother and the cries. The marauders is what got me with their dramatics and emotions "WE ARE UNCLES MOONY, LUCY, & REGGIE!!" The boys sigh and Reggie looks to me "congratulations sis! I can't wait to be an uncle."

I smile and look at Lucius grabbing his pinking and hooking it in mine. Knowing we were never going to let each other go or let each other down.

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