Potter manor 🐉

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Warnings! Knifes,mention of rape,and violence

" Hello my beautiful friends!" I pause "by the looks of your faces I believe this isn't going to be a pleasant conversation." I raise my eyebrow. "Jordan we need to tell you something..."  I make a motion to carry on. Izzy looks at Draco and then back down at her feet. "Percy has done it again. I knew he had done it to you and it was no secret between all of us. She came to me last night a crying mess and blood all over her."

I stand up from my chair, slamming my hands on my desk in front of me. My anger just we from ten to about one hundred. "There's a dinner tonight at potter manor. You all are welcome to join me. I have a plan for Percy. They won't know what hit them." I say with a evil smirk on my face. Blaise looks at me and laughs, "I can't wait for this! It's not everyday you see Jo Jo mad."

"Go on! Go get ready!I expect you all there at six." When they left I sat back down in my chair with a sigh. How could he do this to someone else. Especially someone he was going to marry. I just hope my family doesn't hate me after tonight. I'll explain, I just want to get my point across.  I stayed  busying myself with the work on my desk. I own a book  and sweets shop named jojo's in diagon alley across from the twins joke shop.  I apparate home to the manor and change. I put on my my grey skirt, my green tank top that had a heart shape neck line, my  grey leather jacket and my thigh high boots. I heard voices as I was doing my hair and makeup. I was trying to hurry! When I was almost done there was a knock on my door.

" Hey babe! Just coming to check on you...wow you look great! Or should I say sexy even." Charlie walks in checking me out then sits on my bed. I apply my lipstick while looking back at Charlie. I give him a wink and say "thank you handsome, you don't look so bad yourself.. or should I say sexy even." He laughs and come up to kiss me.  I hold my hand out to block him. He gives me a questioning look. I smile and tell him " I would get makeup on you." He scoffs wraps his arms around me and kisses me. "As you can tell I don't care. We've been together for two years now. You should know this." I giggle  "I do, it's just fun to mess with you." He gives me a smirk as I turn around to walk out the door he spanks me. I turn around to face him. He just bent down to give me another kiss. He grabs my bottom and squeezes it I open my mouth to give him access as he was trying to get. He smirks into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck. It was getting steamy, but we were interrupted by a knock on the door.

I check my self In the mirror, still looking good. I open my door and see uncle Remus. "Yes sir?" He gives me a pointed look and looks at Charlie and back down to me. "Come on you have visitors that aren't settling well with some people." I roll my eyes and walk out. Charlie and uncle Remus following close behind. "Who even invited you here Malfoy!" I cross my arms over my chest and look at Ron and Harry. "I did, is there a problem with that?" They all snap their heads towards me. ""Not at all sweetheart the more the merrier!" My mother Lily says.

Everything is normal as it should be. After everyone was done with dinner, desert was being served. I excuse myself and walk up to my room to grab my wand. Everyone is still acting normal.. good... I smirk and whisper "incarcerous and stupefy" Percy was now bonded to his chair. Everyone looks around to see where it came from. I smirk and walk up behind Percy with my wand at the back of his head. Everyone tenses when they see me. I hear Blaise "this shit about to be so good! Accio popcorn and icee!" I snort at him.

"Jo Jo what are you doing?" I smirk to my dad. "Something that should've been done a long time ago." I look at Percy he's starting to sweat, I hear a him gulp he's nervously shaking. I grin perfect. "Does anyone feel that it has gotten colder?" I hear Fred say. " I start walking around the room still having my deadly evil smirk. He looks nervous. He should be.  "So Percy something has been brought to my attention. I think you've already figured out, yeah!? Well I don't think they do." Molly snaps her head at me "Jordan stop this right now!"

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