The Seekers Valentine 💛

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(Female HarryxDraco)

(Thank you for the 1k! And here's my valentines special!!!)

(Not edited)

When Minerva McGonagall asked me to be DADA professor, I took her offer to be closer to my kids Edward Remus Lupin Potter-Malfoy (teddy). We had adopted him before the kids were born. Then there is James Sirius Potter-Malfoy, Regulus Lucius Potter-Malfoy, Scorpius Hyperion Potter-Malfoy, and Lily Narcissa Potter-Malfoy and also my husband Draco Lucius Potter-Malfoy.

It was close to the end of the week and I was so happy to have the weekend off. No problems had happened this week with the kids causing mischief like their Dads,uncles,and grandfathers. I grade another paper with an O. there was a knock on the door, I look up and see it was Dennis's  child  Collin. "Umm Professor Potter?" I turn and look at the small Gryffindor child "yes Collin?" He replies "Headmistress McGonagall needs to see you in her office." I sigh getting up "thank you Collin." He smiles nodding his head as he walks away.

As I make my way down to the headmistress office I spotted my daughter talking to her friends. I give her a smile and a wave as she waves back to me. What I didn't know is that she left her friends to follow me. "Where are you going mom?" Her bleach blonde hair going everywhere from her run. I stop and help her fix it "I was called to Minnie's office. Do you happen to know why I'm being called?" He shakes her head linking her arm through mine. "But I do have something to talk to you about.." I raise my eyebrow "oh? Do tell?" She blushes "a cute boy asked me out." I turn to her with a smile "and who is he..?" Her smile grows as the blush turns redder "Lorcan Scamander" I smile thinking about my best friend "you know Luna will be happy to hear he finally got the nerve to ask you." I giggle with her as we stop in front of Minnie's office. "Do you think dad will be mad?" I smile "don't you worry about him my love, I'll take care of him and I don't think he'll be mad, I think he will just be sad that his baby girl is growing up." She giggles as I kiss the crown of her head.

When we made it to the bottom I saw the rest of my kids, nephew, and husband sitting with minnie. "What have you three done now?" I narrow my eyes at the boys, they look down with smirks. I walk over and sit in front of minnie "your sons and nephew decided they were going to prank a few Slytherins with itching powder and they turned their hair red and yellow." She sighs as I smile in amusement and turn towards the four boys with a stern voice I ask "why?"

"They were bulling Lily mom!" Scorpius and Remus , then James exclaims "we weren't going to let that go!"the boys nod "Yeah and if I have to loose my prefect badge to stand up for my baby sister so be it. I will freely give it." Teddy says "it was a great prank too aunt Holly!" Fred says, the boys look to him with big eyes. I turn towards my husband who had a very mad look on his face "what were they saying?" He asks them, they all turn towards Lily who has tears. I hold my arms open as she walks over and sits down in my lap. "I think that would be discussed privately between you two and Lily." Lily shakes her head "grandma is here, and she's headmistress, I'll be okay." She says sniffing and wiping her eyes.

"They said we were favored for being Potter's kids, and that Lily will never be anything in life, and how she was ugly and fat and so many more crude comments. We told them off and comforted her and told her that she isn't any of those things, that she is beautiful, and is smart and loving, she can be the next minister of magic behind aunt Hermione! And not that I wanted to say this because I don't like it, but heck most boys at Hogwarts want to be with her.." when he said that Draco took Lily into his arms and held her, protective dad mode.

I stand up feeling a little bit of guilt, "You guys are not favorites because you are my kids. You guys are smart and courageous, like the hat said to each and everyone of you, you all hold aspects to all houses. You stand up for what you believe in and protect those who need it. I couldn't be more happier to have you as my children." I tell them with tears, they all run up to me wrapping me in a hug.

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