🍼❤️💛A Gryffinpuff baby! 🍼❤️💛

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Nine months later it was time to have this baby, but what sucks is I'm past my due date and the child still hasn't came out. I groan bouncing on the ball in the Potter household. Because I am past my due date they want me with someone at all times, today my person with Ginny, James mother. "How do you feel love?" She's asks while handing me some water  I shrug "exhausted and hungry... I miss him." I start tearing up, James was at quidditch practice. She wipes my tears away hugging me "he'll be home soon, I know you have to be exhausted. I couldn't imagine being a week past my due date." I nod and groan as a sharp pain hits I hold onto the ball as another comes. "Hey B!" Teddy comes walking in "what's going on?" He looks to a ginny with a worried look. She yells to Teddy noticing that my water broke as the water makes it way down the ball. "Get James on the phone now! I'm taking her to Saint mungos!" He nods as Ginny apparates us out.

When we get there I see my dad "hey Draco! You have room for one more?" He looks up and smiles at me "baby's finally coming huh?" I nod as he walks us to a room. He helps me change into a hospital gown and puts the iv in me. It was a few hours later that he said that I only dilated four centimeters "are you serious!?" He nods with a worried expression. He turns to Ginny "tell Harry to bring that bouncing ball she's been using and maybe some spicy foods." She nods and makes the call. He turns back to me "Blakely if those don't work we might have to do a c section on you if you haven't dilated anymore than you already are. Are  you okay with that?" I nod worried  for my child and I. Ginny walks back in "they are all on their way. Atlas, Scorp, and Teddy are outside do you want me to let them in?" I nod "I can use the distraction right now." She opens the door and they walk in seeing their best friend in a painful look as another contraction hit.

"You look like shit.." I scowl giving them a look "thanks I'm just ready for my baby to be out." James and Harry then walk in. "Everyone is at the burrow waiting for updates on the baby." A knock on the door sounds as Harry opens it "well besides me, being the favorite Weasley." I smile at George. "Georgie!" I tell happily throwing my hands up in the air. Everyone looks over at me. "Siriusly your happy when he's here?" Ginny hits her sons head "yes because he didn't do this to me! Plus I need a fun distraction." George comes over handing me something, I look in the bag it was baby things. "Awe George! Thank you!"  I smile taking out the picture frame that had the baby's sonogram picture on it. "Angie told me to wait but I couldn't anymore." Another contraction hit and this time it was worse that it started to make me cry. James runs over a kisses my head rubbing my back. "I'm sorry baby it will be over soon." I nod and lay back into his arms Draco then walks in "hey dad!" Scrop tells him "hey son, I'm going to need all of you to step out real quick so I can check her. Well beside Ginny and James." They all walk out and Draco comes over and checks me. "Good news B, your almost there! Just two more centimeters to go." I let of a sob of relief  that I won't have to have a c section.

A little while later I started getting hungry I look over at the spicy chicken and Cajun fries that Harry had bought. I look over at James and saw he was asleep. "Whatcha need baby?" When he asked that he scared me "I Uhh.. you weren't asleep?" He shakes his head no "I was just resting my eyes. No way am I going to sleep when your about to give birth. Are you hungry?" I nod and he passed me two pieces of chicken and some cajun fries. When I was done I looked over at him. "I'm sorry did you want any?" He smiles gently and shakes his head "no baby that's for you I'm fine." He stomach then growls, he looks down feeling betrayed. I giggle at him "eat something please., for me?" He nods and grabs a piece of chicken. Everyone has went to go eat and go home for a little while. Dad walked back in "how are you feeling sweetie?" I sigh and lay back "I'm alright right now I've been in pain for a little while, but nothing too big." He smiles and kisses my temple "let's check you again." I nod and he checks me "Blakely, James ..your baby is ready to make an appearance." We both look at each other "I'm ready..so ready." James walks over and takes my hand. After an hour of pushing our baby was born. "Congratulations you two, it's a girl!"I sob into my hands looking up at James seeing that he was crying as well. Draco let me hold her and then they took her to get checked and cleaned. "We have a baby.." I smile as he sits beside me "we do and looks like her names is going to be Melody James after all." He laughs and shakes his head "the next one will have your name as a middle name if it's a boy?"

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