Hufflepuff Heartbreak🦡💔

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I met teddy when we get sorted in Hufflepuff. We've been friends for our entire six years that we have been here. Somehow I have developed feelings for him in fifth year and been hiding it very well... well not from my best friend Atlas. She's a Slytherin. Atlas and I sit a little ways away from teddy and his new girlfriend victorie. She's beautiful! Part veela too.I could never compete with that. "You can't keep doing this to yourself..I hate to see you pine after teddy. " I'm fine with being his best friend. Really..."

Her head snaps up to someone behind us. A bunch of people are looking towards me. I turn to see Scorpius Malfoy. "Can I talk to you for a moment?" I nod and walk out the great hall. Not without looking behind me to see teddy watching me leave with him. " what can I do for you scorp?" He studies me "I heard you can sing and you write music correct?" I nod "Great! Meet me in the music room tomorrow. Everyone will be going to hogsmead." I nod and watch as he walks away.

I start to think of how he knew that about me, until I heard a voice behind me. "Ready to go Blakey ?" I turn to see teddy waiting for me. I nod and walk over to him " what did scorp want?" I shrug as we walk into potions. "So do you have any plans tomorrow? You can come to hogsmead with victorie and I.?" I look down at the cauldron pouring the ingredient inside. "Sorry teddy I have plans. Maybe next time?"

The next day I met up with scorp, he was at the piano. He looked so sad. "Scorp?" He finally looked up at me when he heard me. I sit beside him he looks down at his hands and sighs. "Can we work on a song together? I just want to get out my feelings for Albus and I know you have feelings for teddy." My eyes widen "it's that obvious huh?" He shakes his head "it's not unless you pay really really close attention." I sigh and grab my song book. "Tell me the feelings that you have for Albus." And he did, when we were done with writing I look up to see that it's night. "We will have to finish this tomorrow it's dark out and I don't want you to late for curfew." He nods "thanks for helping me and listening... it's nice to have a friend outside of the Potter circle.. ya know?... I guess that's why teddy loves you, your not like us." I smile closing my book "goodnight scorp. I'm glad I have a friend in you too. Don't be scared to come talk to me ever. Heck if you want to you can start sitting with me in the great hall Atlas wouldn't mind."

The next day he did indeed come sit by Atlas and I. We three got along very well. I looked towards teddy and saw I look I had never seen on his face before. I don't know what he felt?

Later that night I was in my dorm writing the song when there was a knock on the door. I got up to answer it and it was teddy. "Can I come in?"

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