Sexy Secret Santa Night🎅🏻🃏

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Baking and boner part 2

Christmas Eve Eve!

It was Christmas Eve Eve as phoebe from friends calls it. James and Reggie threw a adult Christmas party. Marlene, Dorcas, Remus, Alice, Mary, Gideon, Frank, Lily and her boyfriend Amos, and Fabian and I were all sitting around. We all did a sexy secret Santa and I of course had Reggie and you know being the best friend I am put a pair of reindeer antlers and a ticket that says "one child free night! Ticket expires tonight!" Harry of course is already at the manor with mom and dad so I didn't have to worry about that. He looks to me with a blush. "Your going to keep Harry tonight!? Thanks sis! We can use a child free night"

Marlene then looks at me as she hands me  a gift  by the looks of it it was from her. . I then open my gift it was a pair of red lace bra and thong set with a pair of reindeer antlers with my favorite wine inside. I look at her and feel heat all over my face. She laughs and winks. "What did you get that's making you blush?" Gideon asks "just wine and some reindeer antlers." Marlene smirks drinking her alcoholic eggnog "is that all?" I give her a knowing looking "yes it is.thank you so much Marlene." She smirks and blows a kiss to me "your welcome babe! Use it well." Fabian got a tie with Christmas trees a pair of underwear with Santa's on them and knee high socks with snowmen on them. I smile at Reggie, he had told me what he got for him. I couldn't believe my Slytherin had gotten that. James had gotten  a bottle a fire whisky, a bottle of sleek easy, and handcuffs from Fabian.

When it was all over I met Reggie before leaving giving him his other gift, The Santa suit   " I'll put it to good use, Do the same with yours." He winks and kisses my cheek as he walks away to put up the Santa suit. Marlene walks up to me "better put my present to good use babe! I spent good money on that." I giggled "I will.. believe me." She kisses my cheek and walks out with Dorcas. Someone wraps their arms around my middle, putting their chin on my shoulder. "Ready to go?" Fabian asks kissing my neck. "Yeah I'm ready."
He picks up our gifts and walk to the truck. I walk up and kiss James's cheek " have fun! I love you!" I say with a wink. He blushes and hugs me "you too I love you too!" I walk over and kiss Reggie and the cheek "bye best friend. Have a ho ho ho night!" He laughs and hugs me.

Fabian and I drive up to his house. I look to him confused "your mom said she was keeping Harry for the night, I of course planned a fun night a head of us." He says getting out truck. He walks to my side of the truck. Opening it he takes my hand in his as I grab the gifts. When he opens the door to his house, his magical German Shepard comes bounding up to us with his brown and black fur and tongue hanging out his mouth. He's so cute! After we spend some time with him cuddling on the couch Fabian says

"How about we put our Christmas presents to good use ay?" He walks with my hand in his up the stairs to his bedroom. I excuse myself and change into the lace set that Marlene got me with the antlers. Grabbing the bottle of wine out of the box I lean on the threshold of the bathroom. When I look into the bedroom I see Fabian in his underwear that Reggie got him. He looks good with no shirt on. "Where's your socks and tie?" I ask him opening the bottle of wine. He looks over to me and he goes still trailing his eyes up and down my body. Taking in every part of me. "Damn babe! Is this why you blushed? I can tell why, you look fucking beautiful!" I blush and walk towards him. "And you look sexy... now are you going to stand there looking at me or are you going to give me my sexy secret Santa present?" He smirks, kisses me and pushes us on to the bed. Let's just say that night was very much worth it.

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