Baby Girls First PMS

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Moony, Padfoot, and Prongs were sitting around the table talking about the great times they had back in Hogwarts , when James was silenced by the sound of his daughter crying. The three marauders run up the stairs to see Harry already opening the door to his younger sisters room. Down the hall the door creeks open and out pops three little heads of his youngest children. "Daddy what's wrong with sissy?"  Padfoot walks over to the two little boys and girl. "She'll be alright kids, why don't we go play?" Sirius takes moonys hand and they walk into the playroom with the children.

James walks into the room with his eldest son to see his eldest daughter crying on her side. James walks over to her and sits down beside her and Harry at the foot of the bed. "What's wrong darling?" He asked her worriedly. Alaina looks over at her father in tears "where's mommy?" He takes her hand in his and kisses it "mommy will be back soon, she went to the store for some things." Alaina nods and pulls her fathers arm. "Daddy can you lay with me until she gets back?" James gives her a small smile as he lays beside her. Harry walks out to go study for his test at Hogwarts.

It was about thirty minutes later that Hestia can walking into her house. In the living room Remus was reading to her baby girl. As she continued to walk she saw her youngest boys with paint all over them along with Sirius. Sirius meets her eyes with a deer in head lights look. "Sirius you know me by now that I don't care as long as you make my kids smile and always clean up the mess." He winks at her going back to what he was doing with the smiling boys. She then walks up the stairs to her eldest daughters room.

When she was about to open it, her eldest son Harry walks out of his room. "Be quiet when you go in mom, dad just got her to sleep."
Hestia smiles at her son and kissed his head giving him is treacle tart. She opens the door to hear soft snores from her daughter and husband. She smiles at the foot of the bed and take a picture.

Hestia walks over to her daughters desk and starts pulling out things from the bag. A few seconds later she felt arms wrap around her and a soft kiss on her neck. "I hope you know what is going on, because she didn't want to tell me. Said it was too embarrassing, I told her nothing is ever embarrassing to tell me." Hestia turns in his arms giving him a kiss to the lips. She grabs the pack of pads opening them up. "No.. my baby girl is already hitting puberty!" She giggles at her husbands sadness of his little princess growing up. "It will be okay, she will always be your little princess, just a more mature one. Now help me run a warm bath and pour about a cup and a half of this into her water." She's says giving him the bag of Epsom salt.

He took the bag and did as told, Hestia heard a rustling sound in the room and looked over to see her daughter waking up. "Hi honey, how do you feel?" She asks her daughter "I feel horrible mommy. I want it to stop and never come again!" She took her daughters hands in hers and told her "honey I hate to tell you, but this is never going to go away. You will always have it. Well until your older and then you will have menopause." Alaina busted out in tears, poor thing Hestia thought to herself as she held her daughter in her arms. She knew how they felt, hers herself were extremely painful, along with the aches everywhere and the feeling of being sick and possibly throwing up.

"It's ready" James says as he steps through into the room. Alaina sees her father and opens her arms to him. Hestia smiles getting up so James could sit beside her. "Now Alaina I have some Ibuprofen and Tylenol and also snacks because they are the best for this sort of thing and you will certainly want them. Now these.." she says holding up the pads "I'm going to teach you how to put them on." Alaina tilts her head "is that going to be like a tampon momma?" Hestia shakes her head "no love this is easier to put on. Now how about a warm bath with some relaxing salts, bubbles, and a calming candle?"

Alaina nods smiling getting up out her hear fathers arms. Hestia notices James pout and giggles. "James go check on the kids and your best friends to make sure they aren't destroying  our house please." He nods kissing her cheek and walking out. Hestia walks in the bathroom with her daughter already under the bubbles with a relaxed look on her face. "I put your phone over on the table beside you, call me when your done and I'll teach you how to put it on ok?" She nods "thank you mummy!" Her mother smiles and kisses her head raking some of her hair back with her fingers "your welcome sweetheart. Now let me go check on the check on the boys and your sister." She giggles grabbing her phone and tapping on the books app. 

Hestia walks down the stairs and sees her husband covered in toilet paper and paint. "How?" She giggles as she asks "don't ask.." he says grumbling "oh stop it you old man, babes we made a bet and he lost the best so he had to be wrapped in toilet paper and the kids decided to pain him." Hestia giggles and walks into the kitchen grabbing a raspberry lemonade from the fridge. She can feel their eyes on her "she's alright you guys it just that time of the month." The men grimace as Hestia rolls her eyes.

A little while later her phone rings, it was Alaina telling her that she was ready to get out. Hestia walks upstairs and walks into her daughter's bedroom. She grabs a pair of panties, lounge wear, and a couple pads. When she walked in she saw her daughter still laying in the tub. "Alright darling let's get out and put you some comfortable clothes on.

Alaina  stepped out of the claw foot tub and grabbed her lavender towel. "Mum.. I uh.. bled through my sheets.." handing her her shirt Hestia tells her "it will be fine, I'll wash them while you hangout down stairs with everyone." Alaina nods smile if pulling up her panties and joggers. "Now sit on the toilet and open the pad like this, then take the paper off the wings and place it on the pad and press the wings under the pad on the panties so they will did great sis!"  Alaina smiles at her mother and stands up pulling up her pants. They both walk down stairs and Alaina goes to her uncles and brothers.

Hestia smiles watching her family happily as they all wear smiles. James comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her neck. "I love you my love. Thank you for blessing me with a family." Hestia looks up at her husband "I love you and I'm very blessed God gave me you my love. Now how about some food huh?" James laughs kissing her one more time before going into the kitchen for some food as everyone followed her daughter stopped "thank you momma for helping me." Hestia smiles hugging her daughter close "you don't have to thank me my little light, that's what I'm here for."

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