Side Piece

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"Ready to go?!" Harry asks me as I put everything on my desk away. "Yeah" I grab my backpack walking out with him. "Where are we going?" He smirks "our favorite place of course." I smile "the three broomsticks is our favorite place, because we get unlimited butter beer." He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows.

As we walk outside he holds out his arm "my lady.." he says with a smile. I laugh and take his arm as we walk down the street to the three broomsticks. "It's a nice night out for a stroll don't you think?" I look at him questionably "why are you being werid? you usually crack jokes or make up funny stories " He laughs "I'm not! I was just saying."

When we walk in we get a window seat "dude how much longer till your wedding again? Can't believe your marrying my true love." I say dramatically as he laughs "we will have to fight for that title Ms. America, Gosh can you believe it's been seven months since you moved here!? I remember the day I met you, you were so lost." I smile a small smile "yeah, I kinda miss America you know...but I wouldn't trade where I am now." He smiles "and you are only fooling yourself you know she will choose me over you any day." I say teasing him.

What the two friends didn't know is that a certain red head was filming the whole thing.

A little while later when they were both done, they both walked out arm in arm. "So your gonna drive me home right?" He looks at me crazy "well duh stupid, what kind of man would I be if I didn't." I laugh as I open my side door.

The same red head followed them taking a picture of them in the car.

On the drive home we belted out songs so loud, just having fun. A little while later I looked behind us "I think someone is following us Harry.." Harry looks up and shrugs when the car left. As we pulled up to my house "thanks Harry I promise I'll be getting a car soon." He rolls his eyes "you literally are my next door neighbor bitch. Now get out I can't look at you anymore." I smirk opening the door "yeah your ready to go fuck your girl." He goes quiet "bruh seriously" I hold my hand out for our handshake "tell MY TRUE LOVE I SAID I LOVE HER!" He laughs "of course anything for you." He says with a smile and a eye roll.

It was Saturday, I woke up around lunch got dressed ate something then walked over to my best friends house. I slam open the door "I here bitch! You better come give me love and not tell your lover!" Then I realize there are people here, I freeze and awkwardly smile. "YOU!" I look to the red head man walking my way. As he walks up to me fast I walk backwards falling down hitting my head on the door. "Get out of this house!" Ginny runs downstairs to see Ron yelling at Raleigh.

"Ron what are you doing!?" She yells at him walking over to help a frightened Raleigh up. He looks to his sister with a crazy mad expression. Harry then comes down carrying Teddy. Teddy spots Raleigh and smiles "Rae Rae!" Raleigh smiles back as Ron looks in Horror "you introduced her to Teddy!!" He yells at Harry, Harry steps back with a confused expression with a scared teddy in his arms.

"What is wrong with you?!" Ginny asks her brother "you let your husbands side piece in this house! With our family!" The whole Weasley looks at Harry with a angered but confused expression knowing Harry wouldn't cheat on Ginny. Ginny looks at her brother with a confused expression "side piece?" She looks at Raleigh

Raleigh shrugs her shoulders "don't shrug your shoulders! I.. Ginny look I have proof." Ron shows her the phone and when they were done Ginny looks between Harry and Raleigh with a blank expression and then looking at her brother. "Ron.." he interrupts her "clearly you need your brother to step in!" He walks over to Raleigh pushing her out the door and slamming it in her face.

Watching the door slam in my face I turn and walk away numb,embarrassed, and mortified. When I finally got to my house, I locked the door and walked upstairs to my room with my Pomeranian Tilly "I think I lost my friends Tilly..looks like it's just you and me again girl " I hold her to me as I cry.

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