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The sun shines bright through the curtains as it wakes me up from my slumber. I look back at Charlie, he is still sleeping. I quietly walk out of the room and go to mine. I  get a shower and change. Last night was oh my gosh it was amazing, who knew he could be so dominant. I grab my Hufflepuff jumper and my black leggings, I put my hair up in a messy bun and walk down stairs.

"Ah this morning I get to see the beautiful Ginevra Potter in the kitchen. To be honest rather see your beautiful self than my brother." She laughs at my joke and turns from the stove. She looks at me and her eyes widen. "So did you have fun last night?" I look at her questionably. "What do you mean?" She grins. "Well by the look at them hickeys I would say that you had a pretty damn good time." My eyes get huge "ginny how many are on me? Can you see them?" I start trying to find them on neck with my hands. She puts her lips together, I can tell she's trying to hold in her laugh. "Ginny seriously, the last thing I need is my brothers killing yours." She grins. "So it was my brother hmm. Well we can go upstairs and put some makeup on them"

I hear foot steps I turn and see Harry. "Too late." I turn back to her with a please help me look. " I'm sorry." She starts laughing. "Ginny!" I put my head in my hands. "What is going on T ? what is wro- IS THAT A HICKEY!" I groan and trying  to hide it Fucking Charlie. I'm never going to hear the end of this especially from George. I look to Harry with innocent eyes. I think he's in a mix of anger and laughter I want him to choose laughter. "Who gave you this?" When I didn't answer he turned to ginny. He gave her a vet sirius look  and pointed to my neck. "Charlie" I gasp. "Ginny! You just gave me up!" I laugh and put my head in my hands.  "He's where I get my fun nights from." I roll my eyes. "You would get that anyway you have him wrapped around your fingers." Harry looks at me  "She does not."

"Yeah ok Harry you would drop to your knees and beg if she ever tried to leave you for me." I grin with a smirk at ginny and wink. He laughs and rolls his eyes. " So are we going to talk about the fact you finally hooked up with Charlie?"
I go to answer but hear. "SHE HOOKED UP WITH CHARLIE!" I turn around and glare at George. "Go ahead and wake up the whole house why don't ya!" I turn back to ginny "if you guys don't want to hear the girl gossip I suggest you leave boys."

Hermione comes down the stairs with a big smile on her face. "I need to hear this." She says to me with a grin. "With that smile I think she had it better than me." I say pointing towards Hermione. Ginny replies "don't think your getting out of this Tatum Grace." I look at my brother and brother in laws and back at ginny and Hermione.

"Last night was amazing! Best I ever had ten out of ten! Girl if all Weasleys are like that minoe I know exactly why you came down them stairs with that smile." The girls laugh at me as I turn back to the boys. "Oh come on... Harry is ginny good in bed?" Ron scoffed. "I don't wanna hear how my sister is good in bed." I turn to him "shut up. We are going on a poll here! To see if Weasley are good in bed,because you know what they say about red heads" I turn back to harry. "We already know Ron is good and Charlie So what about Ginny and Georgie.. oh wait and bill? Percy has to be that inside dominant person, where you think he's vanilla but not. " Ginny gives him a waiting look trying to keep a straight face. He looks to me then to her brothers. "Don't hate me. Should I say this in private?" There was collective yes and nos. But the No out voted the yes. "Mrs. Potter you are unbelievable in bed. " He walks up to ginny and kisses her cheek. "I already knew she was I just wanted to hear you say it." I say winking at Ginny. She laughs, he rolls his eyes and mouths to me she's mine then kisses her lips. "I'm just joking chill" I say laughing. Luckily Charlie, Fleur, Angelina, and Bill came down stairs at that exact moment.

"Why do Geroge and Ron look like they wanna throw up? T? Ahh with that smile it's  Gotta be something you did."Charlie comes up and kisses my lips and grabs a cup from the cabinet and some juice. I see Ginny smile and I tell them. "Yes it is something I have done. Right now we are taking a poll to see if the Weasleys are good in bed." Charlie smirks in his cup while bill chokes on his drink.

"What?!" I laugh and turn to fleur and Angelina "sooo...?" They both look at each other then turn to their significant other and looks back at me. "Yes they are. Wait why are you wanting to know?" George steps in. "Because she had sex with Charlie last night. Look at the hickeys on her neck." I roll my eyes. "George that's why we had this conversation to not let people see them." He grins and says oops. I roll my eyes and look at Charlie. He's looking at me with the biggest smirk.

I hear more footsteps we turn to see James. He looks at everyone and tells them morning. He walks up to me and grabs my hand. " come on aunt T! I want to show you something. Wait what's that on your neck?" I put my hand on my neck and look back at Charlie He's laughing , the little shit. "Nothing James. I burnt myself with a curling iron." Everyone laughs at me. "Ahh classic" Georgie laughs out. "Are you ok?" I smile at him. "Yeah baby I'm ok" he gins "then let's go!" We go to his room upstairs. I look back and they are all still laughing.

Pt 4 prank on dad!

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