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Warning : blood and cutting

The kids of the next generation are sat down in the living room of the burrow looking through old photo albums of their loved ones. Molly Weasley was sat in the arm chair watching them with a smile.  Oh how she missed her friends and Family so much. "Grandma! Who is this with uncle Fred?" She gets a questionable look on her face. They show her a picture of the oldest potter child. "You know who that is! It's your aunt Astraea, Harry's older sister." There's a bunch Oohhhs from the kids. "Can you tell us a story about her?" Lily asks "is this their first year?! She's so young from the pictures we've seen" Molly laughs "if you want a story I would go to your Dads and probably that book your holding is before Ron and Ginny's time at Hogwarts.

Someone comes up behind the kids "ahh.. I haven't seen that picture in quiet a long time." George says sitting down in the other chair. The kids all snap their heads towards him. " can you tell us a story about her  dad/ uncle George!?" George then has the biggest smile on his face. Thinking about the old times. "Hmm let's see.." 

Flash back begins:

The scene takes place at Twelve Grimmuald Place. Harry is in this room talking to Ron and Hermione. Fred Weasley is running down the halls to get away from a certain angered girl. "FRED WEASLEY! IM GOING TO KILL YOU!!"  Fred the gulps and hides himself in the broom closet. George then walks out into the hallway to see Astraea Potter with green hair. He starts laughing at her "George I would shut up if I were you. Strea looks like she's about to kill Fred." William Weasley says coming up behind them. The three then walk down stairs to see Remus, Sirius, and Molly all sitting at the table. They gasp "what happen to you!?" Remus asks her. "Ask him!" She walks over to the broom closet and slams open the door to see a very nervous Fred Weasley inside. "Hello my love! Please don't hurt me!"

Flashback over

George starts laughing along with the kids "what happen next!?" The kids nod "yeah did he get in trouble!?"Another kid asks "did she get him back?" George answers "oh she certainly did. Mom made him clean for a week and strea.... She colored his hair purple and turned all his clothes pink. And he was okay with it he said it wasn't the worst thing, but when he put the shirts on they would having writing on them saying  "I Fredrick Gideon Weasley am a pretty pink princess." They all bust out laughing until it was cut off by someone running down the stairs

It was Hermione "I've done it! I think I have a potion that can bring the dead back!" Everyone freezes and looks up to her. "Okay minister of magic what do you got!?" Ron, Ginny, Harry, Angie, Percy and his wife, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Arthur, and the kids all sit around the table listening. "We can try it on one of us. It had to be blood relation. We cut ourselves for blood and drop a few drops of this potion and boom! They should be back." A voice then speaks up "I'll do it!" Everyone turns to look at Molly. "Are you sure mom? I mean..?" She nods and walks outside with Hermione and everyone else behind them. "This knife is already spelled so all you have to do is cut yourself and I'll drop this on your blood." Molly nods and then cuts herself. Hermione then drops the potion and they step back as a bright light shines and wind starts getting stronger circling around them. When it dies down everyone looks to see Fabian and Gideon Prewitt.

Everyone mouths drop open "where are we? Why do we look so old? Molly what happen to you!?" Molly then runs to them with tears in her eyes." She then tells them crying "All will be explained in a minute!" She then turns to Hermione "Why didn't bring back My Fred?"Hermione thinks "I have no idea Mrs Weasley" "let's try Teddy. Are you up for it?" He nods and walks forward and takes the knife. They did the same thing and the light shines with he wind when it stops there was Remus Lupin and  Nymphadora Tonks. "We are back?... how?" Teddy then runs up to them with tears in his eyes. "Alright George let's try you!" He nods and takes the knife and she did the potion and the same thing happens and everyone starts crying at an older looking Fred. "I'm back! Gred!" Fred runs up and hugs George. Everyone that starts crying as he hugs them. "Where is the love of my life eh?" No one wanted to answer "we have to get her back Fred. She died the same day you did. In the battle.." his eyes bug out. "Well let's get her back. "Alright Remus and Harry your up!"

Everyone turns confused "I want to try something. It might have something to do with a bond... I want to see if I can bring Sirius and Regulus back too. Being that Regulus was a brother to them and Sirius being your Godfather." They nod and take the knife and cut themselves. There was a even bigger bright light, earth shaking, Hard wind blowing. Everything settles down as they look it was only James, Sirius, Lily,and Regulus.  

Everyone gets sad looks. Harry and Remus run up to them. "Where's our baby girl?" James asks looking around. Fred then realized that she wasn't there and that she may never come back and starts crying.

"Well I'm sure happy you still love me Fred Gideon Weasley, I would be highly disappointed if you didn't." Everyone freezes at the familiar voice behind them. They all turn to see that it was Astraea Potter and with a familiar owl perched on her shoulder, Hedwig.  She smiles "couldn't leave my girl could I!? I knew you would get my message Mione!" She laughs everyone then starts running to her. "Whoa! One at a time please! Too many people. I know y'all are happy to see me!"

When everyone was done hugging her Fred was next to last "I missed you Fred!" He kisses her "I missed you too my love!" Someone clears their throat behind them "daddy? Momma!" She runs up to Lily and James as they hug her tight. "I missed you both so much!" She starts crying more. She then turns to her brother Harry. He had tears rolling down his face. He's so happy to have all his family back.

"Hey there little bro!" He then walks up to her and hugs her tight when he breaks the hug he starts flicking her forehead. "Never do that again!" She laughs "I saved you didn't I!" As they wrestle they then loose their footing and fall to the ground the kids then start running and jump on top of them. "You scared me that day? when I saw your body my whole world crashed around me. You put yourself in front of Ginny to save her from Bella you survived that but when it came to Voldemort you had to push your power to kill him. Potters I tell you."  They both laughed the kids get up. "Can't be a potter without doing something wreck less and stupid!" The reunited family all laughs around them.

Astraea then looks over to his kids " which ones are yours!?" He calls for his kids and they all stand in front of the potters. "I would like to introduce ourselves. I am your aunt, this is your grandpa Prongs, and your grandma, and that's uncle Moony, uncle Reggie, and uncle padfoot" the kids all look to them with love and excitement. They then look to Harry he nods "we are the potters! My name is James Sirius potter, this is Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Astraea Potter!" I then turn to my brother "you named your kid after me and mom!?"  He nods his head still can't believing that they are here.

A little bit a ways a certain red head was having a conversation with his twin. "Is it still here?" George nods his head "I kept it. It was like I had a piece of you both. You can give it to her now."  He nods and they both go upstairs to retrieve it. "Can't believe you brought Hedwig back with you!" Harry says as happily as he stokes her wings. " your welcome!" Fred then comes forward towards them. " I hate to pull you away, but can I see you for a moment?" I nod and we walk off.

He takes us to our spot in the field. " I know this is too early and we just got back, but I remember telling you if we make it out alive I would propose to you. Now I got a second chance at life with you I am not going to waste time." He then gets down on one knee. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth holding me tears. "Astraea Lily Potter will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I nod happily as he slips the ring onto my finger and comes up from the ground, wraps me in his arms and kisses me.

I then hear a bunch of people clap, excited yells, crying. I turn to see everyone behind us. I smile back to Fred and kiss him again.

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