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A lovely date

Leonora PoV:

The first two days were over and Clarissa was more then relaxed. I had something planned for the both of us, which wasnt easy with her as my girlfriend.

If you need to know one thing about Clarissa, then that she is curious. And she always knows when your hiding something.

"What are you doing?" I flinched and covered the letter I was writing. "Some school work." I lied, hoping she would leave it. "And now the truth." "School work?" She gave me that look, that she always made when someone tried to lie to her.

"Lesso, what are you doing." "School work. Dont you belive me?" She just shook her head and sighed. "I will find out what your doing, so better tell me now." "I already told ya. Its just some school work."

With an annoyed look, she walked over to our bed and sat down. That would get me into some trouble, if I didnt get that finished soon enough.

Enzo was helping me with all that, he would keep quiet for sure. Well I hoped atleast. Clarissa could be pretty convincing when she wanted to know the truth.

"Lesso!" I jumped from the place I was standing and turned around. She was coming towards me with a fast pace and I got a little scared.

"Clarissa, I have to clear this." I said, pointing at the teacher behind me. "You better go find some other place to stand." She said firmly and the teacher walked away.

"W-what are you doing?" My look got confused, as she eyed me up and down. "I know what your hiding from me." I felt my heart sped up and look at her, as if I would know nothing shes talking about.

"And, and that would be?" "Dont play dumb now! Where is my book?" I breathed out and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Sometimes you really scare me Princess. Didnt you leave your book in your office?" She looked up at me and nodded slowly. "Oh yes, right. Sorry, I thought you wanted to play some tricks on me." I only chuckled, before watching her walk away.

"I really thought she knew for a second." With my mind worked up from the situation, I started to look for the teacher I was talking to minutes before.

When the night was close, I made my way back to our room. Since the time she asked me where her book was, I havent seen her anymore.

I stopped infront of the door and tried to calm down my heart race. What if she said no, or was to tired? Thousend thoughts went through my mind, and I tried to push them aside, as I walked in.

Clarissa was already in bed, reading her book. She looked cute, with her nose deep in the sites, reading and fantasizing about the adventures the charakters were in.

"Your finally here. God, I missed you." I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, putting her book aside.

"I hope your not to tired, because I have a suprise for you." She looked at me, a question mark on her face. "Put on something comfy and meet me in the hall, yeah?" With that, I walked out of the room and down the stairs.

Clarissa PoV:

She left me confused, so I just did what she wanted me to do. After I changed into some comfy clothes, I walked downstairs and looked around for her.

She stood there, Enzo behind her, both discussing something. "Lesso?" Suprisingly fast, she turned around, a bouquet of coulerfull flowers in her hand.

"Hey Princess. You look wonderful." She handed me the bouquet and I blushed. "What is this about?" "I thought, maybe now that we have some time for us, that we could go on a... date?"

I looked at her, a big smile on my face. She tried her best for me and it was to adorable. "You planned a date for us?" "Mhm, had to make sure you dont find out, which isnt pretty easy by the way." I chuckled and she did the same.

"So, you wanna join me?" "Of course, where are we going?" We interlocked our arms and she led me out of the castle and down the river.

From afar you could see a campfire lit and a blanket spread out on the ground. A basket with some food and wine were there as well and the atmospeher was just lovely.

We sat down and she gave me a glass, before she poured us some wine. I couldnt belive she had planned all this alone. And all this just for me. My heart was screaming with the love I had for her.

The time flew by, as we sat there and talked about everything and anything. The food she had brought was delicious and the wine was a good choice as well.

It got darker and darker and soon only the flames of the campfire gave us light to see. Thats when I thought, I would have seen somehing in the distance.

"Maybe a deer or something. Dont forget the wild animals out here Princess. But we can leave if you want that, I can run us a bath and we relax in our room." I shook my head and took another sip of my glass.

"No, I wanna stay a bit more outside. It was a cute idea of you to plan this date. Thank you." She just smiled softly at me and gave me a kiss.

I came closer and soon enough I sat on her lap, kissing her over and over again. Thats when an arrow hit the tree next to us.

We both jumped up and I hid behind Lesso. Another arrow hit the campfire and the flames lit up. "I think we should leave, I cant tell where the arrows are coming from." She whispered and I nodded.

With our hands locked together, we started to run back to the castles, hoping that the attacker would leave us alone.

When we came to the bridge, Lesso stopped and looked behind us. It didnt seem like someone was following us.

"What the hell was that?" She stared down the river to the campfire, where you could see a thin figure walking around. "What bastard did shot at us?" "I dont know, but nothing happened Lesso, we're all fine."

I warpped my arms around her from behind and looked in the same direction as her. "I know, still. That prick ruined our lovely date."

I chuckled at her beeing angry. There was something cute about this face.

We both stood here and I listened to all the curses she spoke to the person that ruined the date, when a blinding pain hit my back. I didnt scream, it was like I couldnt even speak or make the slightest sound.

"Lesso." I whispered, feeling my legs give in. She turned around and looked at me, with a worried face. "Yes Princess?" I couldnt answer, the pain was to much.

All I knew was that I collapsed to the ground and Leonora screaming for help. She turned me on the side and tears were running down her face.

I didnt understood what she was saying to me, all I knew was that I was scared for my life. What had happened? What is happening?

The last thing I could make out was some guards running towards us, and someone picking me up, to carry me away. I felt light and out of my body, before everything went black.

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