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Mind Games

Clarissa PoV:

I stood up and walked around the bed. She was still asleep and looked so god damn adorable. Her hair was lose in her face and I adored the view I had. "Kinda a shame I have to end this." I grabbed her glass and poured it over her head.

She sat up and stared at me. "What are you doing!?" "Getting a little revenge for what you did to me. Be prepared, I will always know where your going. Things will be waiting for you." Leonora looked at me and started to laugh. "Ofcourse, I will be scared. Scared of... You." She poked me with her finger as she said the you.

"Yeah yeah yeah." With that, I turned around to get my cloths. I heard how she got up aswell, so I took a step aside for her.

"Promise me you will be careful?" She asked and looked at me. "Why?" "Rafal. I'm not there all the time, so please promise me you will be careful." I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled at her. Her eyes were full of worry and love and I just needed to kiss her. And so I did, I pulled her closer and kissed her lips softly, felling her heart beat slow down.

"I promise you Nora, I will be careful. Even when it should get dangerous, I have you. And Enzo. My two little bodyguards." She looked at me with a look that said 'really now' and I started to laugh.

"Now comon, we need to get ready. The schools are waiting for us." "They wait more for you the for me. You werent there yesterday, remember." I slapped her arm and shook my head, before taking out the dress which I would wear today.


The only class I had today was boring and the rest was only paperwork. "Cant something happen." And as said, I heard a loud bang from outside my office. "Oh really now."

I stood up and walked outside. "Hello?" I looked around but there was no one to be seen. "Is someone making a joke? Lesso, if this is you, I swear to god I-" Another noise made me stop talking. I listened closely and heard that someone or better something was growling.

"Enzo?" I turned towards to noise and saw a black wolf with red eyes. "Bored Rafal? Wanna play a bit Hide and seek, hm?" The wolf only glared at me. I started to get nervous and looked around.  "Or do you wanna play catch." The wolf now took a step closer. "Oh comon, really? Thats not fair! I wear heals!" Another step closer. "If she doesnt kill you after this, I will." I mumbled to myself, turned around and started to run.

It felt like he was chasing me but when I looked back, I couldnt see him. And with that, I stopped and looked down the hall.

"What you doing Princess? Running to stay fit?" I turned around and looked at Lesso. "N-no, there was that wolf. Rafals wolf and he chased me, didnt you see him?" She shook her head.

"I was watching you from outside and then you started to run so I came to check." I looked back down the hall. Had I imagined the wolf? "But I'm sure there was one." I wanted to wrap my arms around her, when I stopped. "Wait, you watched me from outside?" Lesso nodded and looked down at me. "Is something wrong with that?" "You couldnt be able to do that. Infront of the windows are roses, so you cant see inside..."

I took a step back and looked her up and down. "Your not Lesso, are you?" She leaned her head to the side and smirked. "Took you some time Clarissa." With that she dissapeared into red and black smoke.

"Okay, so Rafal is playing games with me. And that he can look like Lesso means he can be everyone. I see what your doing there." I looked around, before I walked into the big greeting hall. "But I think that wont work." I whistled and waited.

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