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End of the Punishment

Leonora PoV:

The Dean came back and I looked at him with hate in my eyes. "Where is she?" "I brought her to the schoolmaster, he said you both gonna get locked up, till you realise that you can't be friends." I looked at him with disbelieve, just wanting to get up and make him feel pain. "Y-you can't do that!" "And what we can. You can't even walk and she's locked up in the other school." Tears started to fill my eyes, as I laid there. "You will realise that this is wrong. Later you will thank me for this. You don't get any visitors, the only person's that will come inside are the nurses for food and the check on you." With this he turned around and walked outside, leaving me alone.

Clarissa PoV:

The fairys brought me in a tower of my school. They closed the door and I heard the key turning in the lock. Not a second later I tried to open the window, but it wouldn't work. I sighed and felt close to tears. Slowly I sunk down at the wall, pulling my legs close. Atleast I still wore some of her cloths, so she wasn't completely taken away from me. With a shaky breath I tried to use my finger glow, but something blocked it. "That's not gonna work here Clarissa. You won't get out of here. No Finger Glow and no talking to others. You get three meals per day, till you will see that you can't Love a Never." The tears started to run down my cheeks. "Maybe you can open the window later, we don't want you to suffocate." With that I heard footsteps going away from the door.

I sat there and started to scream, slamming against the wall and crying. They couldn't just do that! "LEONORA!" My voice started to hurt and got quieter with the time. "Please, save me." That were the last words, before I closed my eyes and slept in.

Leonora PoV:

My thoughts went to Clarissa. Where have they brought her? I looked outside the window. That was all my fault, why did I ever say that I wanted to see her again? If I just would have said no. But, but then this all wouldn't have happend. "I love her." I said quietly to myself and imagined her face, smiling at me. "I'm gonna get you my Princess. No one will stop me from this."

I still felt that sharp pain when I moved around, but it went away after some seconds. I would defenetly need a walking stick. With a loud groan I laid back down. I could go nowhere with my injury. Not after some Time had passed. "I promise I will find you. Just not now, I'm sorry my Princess." With another short look outside my window I sighed. That all wouldn't have happend when I would have, when, gosh nothing would have prevented this, right?

Time skip: a week later

I still haven't seen another soul, well besides the nurses of course. They got me a walking stick and since then, I tried walking with it. Everyday got better and better. Even though it was just a week, it felt like forever. I just wanted her back in my arms. Why couldn't they just let us love eachother. We were hurting no one! With every day that passed I wanted to hurt the school master more and more.

The dean of my school walked in and looked at me. "How are you Leonora?" With a death stare I stood up and took my stick, standing a few metres away from him. "I should kill you right here and now." "I'll take that as a good." He chuckled and looked at my stick. "I'm sorry for that." "You can shove that up your ass." I spat and walked to my window. I heard him sigh and stepping closer a bit. "You still love her." "Yes, and I won't ever stop you intolerant shit!" More steps. He should be close enough. With a smirk I turned around and slammed my stick up between his legs. He screamed up a bit, before falling to his knees. "Just to make one thing clear, I won't kill you. For now. But you will let me leave this room and search for her. And when you try to stop me..." I took the little scalpel and held it to his throat, adding a bit pressure. "Your gonna be faster dead then you think. Understood?" You looked at me with fear in his eyes. "Y-yeah, go, go and leave, I, I won't stop you." With another short smirk and I walked past him and out of the room, locking the door behind me.

With a clear plan I walked outside the castle and looked around. I couldn't just walk into the other school. With a close of my eyes I transformed into a raven, my stick becoming smaller so I could carry it. With that, I flew off, looking around and trying to find out where she could be.

Clarissa PoV:

I sat at my window and looked out. With the time I got used to be alone. Still I cried every night, because she wasn't there to hold me. "Oh Leonora. Where are you, I need you, please." I closed my eyes and sighed, knowing she was locked up just like me.

I was lost in my thoughts when a Raven flew into my room, falling down. I shrieked up and looked at it. It was carrying a, a stick? "What happend to you little friend." I carefully came closer and that was when it transformed to Leonora. "Lesso!" With no time I pulled her close in my arms and started to cry. She wrapped her arms around me, kissing my head gently. "I missed you so much." I cried, sobbing into her neck. "I missed you too Princess."

"How, how are you?" I looked at the stick and she smiled softly. "I'm fine, still hurts a bit when I walk, but with the stick it's completely okay." She pulled me closer and kissed my lips softly, leaning her forehead against mine.

"As much as I wanna talk now, I don't trust my Dean. I warned him to leave me be, but your Dean is probably on the way." With fear I looked at the door. "I, I can't use my finger glow in here, I can't leave." She stood up, leaning on the stick. "Oh, we will. No matter how, I'll get us out of here." She looked around, her face getting more and more angry with every second. If I only could help her. "There must be a way out of here." "I haven't found anything the past week. There is no other way then the door, which is locked obviously." I stood up too and looked at her, leaning my head against her shoulder softly.

Leonora PoV:

"Then we go through the door. I'll get you out of here." Before I could do anything, the door flew open and the Dean of the school for good came inside. "Leonora Lesso! What on earth are you doing here!" I saw the schoolmaster follow him up the stairs. "Get away from Clarissa!" "No! You can't keep true love apart!" Everyone looked shocked when I screamed those words. "You let us leave now, or things go the other way. And we both don't want that." The Dean shook his head. "That's not love. A Never and an Ever can't be together." Clarissa stepped next to me and looked at him, ice cold. "Watch your mouth or I'll show you what I do in the name of fucking love!" I smirked proud and intertwined my hand with hers.

With every word she got louder and finally she took a step closer. I followed her and death stared them both. "AND NOW YOU BETTER GO AWAY AND LET US LEAVE OR I'LL SWEAR TO GOD YOU BOTH WONT SEE THE LIGHT OF THE DAY AGAIN!" They all looked at her with wide eyes. Never has a Princess said such words before, I was sure about that. I pulled her face to mine, kissing her lovingly. "That's my Princess." She blushed a bit and smiled.

"Well, after all what you said I'll believe that this is true love." The schoolmaster took a step closer, looking at both of us. "I thought a bit about all if this and the week that has passed and I would be ready to end your punishments right here and now..." I looked at Clarissa and held her close, smiling widely. "But, for this, you won't ever get your own story outside this school which means, you both will be teachers here forever. Will you take my offer?" "So we would stay here? Forever?" He nodded and Clarissa looked at me. "We would be together forever." I whispered. She looked at me and smiled, before turning to the schoolmaster. "Where is the hook?" "There is no hook. After you both graduated, you will become teachers on your schools. Maybe even the dean's from them, when your doing a good job."

We stepped back a bit and talked about it. "We would be here forever." "But it would be us together." She sighed and looked outside the window. "It sounds like the best thing we have right now. And it doesn't sound bad, so?" She nodded and kissed me. "All for us." I smiled widely, before we turned back around. "We'll accept the Deal." The schoolmaster smiled and nodded. "Perfect. The punishment is over for them. And they can meet whenever they want, wherever they want. Tell that your friend." The Dean looked with disgust, but nodded, leaving the room. "I'll leave the door open, so you both can leave whenever you want." With that, he left us two alone.

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