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Office and guards

Leonora PoV:

I woke up from someone shaking me. "Who is-!" Clarissa looked at me. "What? Am I now not allowed to wake you?" I rolled my eyes and pulled her close to me. "Only when I get a kiss after." Now it was her turn to roll her eyes. "Your slowly turning into a softie Lesso. What if someone sees that." With that she just leaned back up and got a grey black suit for me.

"Ow comon, no one is here. I want a kiss." "And now your a little child. Shall I be your Mommy now?" I blushed a bit and sat up. "Princess, stop with whatever your doing to me right now." She just smirked and walked back to me, handing me the suit. "Put it on, we need to go soon."

After I put it on, I made my hair and walked to her. "We can go now." She smiled and hooked my arm with hers. The school was empty as we walked down the stairs. "I'm nervous, really nervous. What if I say something wrong? Or I emberres us infront of all those students? Or what when I-" "Its gonna be okay. Its just like teaching a class but only with more students. And well the Nevers. Its gonna be alright, everything will be fine." She nodded slowly and I squeezed her hand.

Two wolf guards stood infront of the hall and looked at us. "You can go inside as soon as he tells you to." I nodded and we both stood infront of the big doors.

"And now... the new deans for the school of good and evil!" The wolfs opened the door and we walked inside. Cheers and screams came from boths sides and I smirked a little bit. He was finally gone and now I would take his place. Can revenge get any better?

We came to a stop as sonn as we stood on each side of the schoolmaster. "Lady Lesso, as the new dean for the school of evil!" The Nevers started to cheer and scream, which too the Evers covered their ears. "And professor Dovey for the school for good!" Now the Evers cheered but they werent as loud as the Nevers were.

"They will be the deans from now on! I want you to obey what they say! And now, go to your classes and study hard! We want you all to become great heros and villans!" With that the Nevers started to run out of the hall an dback to the other school, whilst the Evers slowly walked out of here.

The schoolmaster turned around to us and smiled. "You both will do a very good job. I belive that. Now go, Get used to your new offices. I was so kind and gave you today free, no classes needed to teach from both of you. If there are any questions, my door is open and I will try to help the best I can." Clarissa nodded and I did too. With a kind smile, he turned around and left like the students seconds ago.

"I will see you later?" I asked, when we stood alone in the hall. "Not when I see you first." She chuckled and I smiled. "Then till later Princess." I kissed the back of her hand softly, before I gave her a short kiss on the lips. With one last look at her eyes, I left in the direction of my school.

Clarissa PoV:

I stood there till she dissapeared inside the other school, before I left into the direction of my new office.

As soon as stepped into the office, I relaxed. It was like someone took something off of my shouders. I closed the door and leaned against it. With some pretty flowers and some more colour this would make a pretty office. With that thought, I got to work. Bringing out stuff I didnt want and need and getting my stuff here.

As the first hours tsarted to pass by I had all my stuff brought from my old office here, had some pretty flowers placed on the shelves and my stuff stood where I needed it. All in all the office was more beautiful then before. I wonder what Lesso had made out of her office. Faster then my students whenthe classes are done, I walked over to the other school.

To my suprise I was stopped by two wolf guards infront of the other school. "Hey, let her through. Shes Lessos girl and I dont want to get in trouble." The other guard just nodded and stepped aside. "Thank you." With this I stepped inside and asked another guard for the way to the office of the dean. He nodded and started to show me the way.

"Seems like Lesso told every guard of me." I said to myself. The wolf nodded. "She made it very clear, dont hurt her, dont touch her, be kind to her and when she has questions try to help her." I smiled a bit. How cute.

The wolf stopped and knocked at the door. "Mistress, professor Dovey is here." The door opened and Lesso looked at both of us. "Hey Princess. Whats up?" "I wanted to see your new office. I'm already done with mine, so I thought, why not come by?" She smiled at me and stepped aside, inviting me inside.

As soon as the doors were close again, she gave me her full attention. "Wow, and plant, I cant belive it. You hav even room for a bed?" I starred at the big sized bed on the side of the room. "Yeah, you dont?" "It only fits a big couch." I said and turned back around to her. "Big couch sounds good." I nodded and sat down at her table.

"I have a question." I looked up at Leonora, which by now leant on the endge of the table right besides me. "Yeah." "The wolf that brought you here, how was he?" I looked confused up to her. "I mean was he nice and all that stuff." "Yeah, he was. And we talked quiet nice. I liked that." She nodded and grabbed her cane, standing up. "What are you doing?" She didnt say anything further and just walked out of the office. "Damn you Lesso." I got up and walked after her.

Leonora PoV:

I looked arounf the big hall and found who I was searching for. "You." I pointed at the guard, which then stepped closer to me. I heard how Clarissa came closer behind me. "Whatever you want to do, dont hurt him, do you understad?" She said as she stepped next to me. "That wasnt even something I thought about. I wanted to tell him that he is my personal guard now." I dont know who looked more confused, the guard or her.

"You want me as your personal guard?" "Yeah, Clarissa said you were nice to him and that she likes you so, your gonna be my personal guard. Tomorrow morning I want you to be at my office and I tell you what you have to do from now on." The guard nodded and Clarissa smiled. "Wait, before you go. How is your name?" She asked and looked up at him. "Enzo my Lady." She smiled and thanked him, before we both walked back to my office.

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