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Four weeks

Leonora PoV:

When the next morning came, Rafal woke me softly. "Comon, get up my Love~ We dont want to wait any longer, do we?" I streched and smiled at him, before sitting up. "And I have something for you." With that he stood up and got something out of his closet.

It was a greyish black suit that fit perfectly. "I've put a spell on it, so no blade can ever hurt you again." I looked down at the suit, before I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Your so carring for me." He smirked and pecke my lips, holding me close with his hands on my waist.

"Dont get caught up in the moment Rafal, we have to do something, forgot?" With a grin, he shook his head and pulled me with him downstairs.

Clarissa PoV:

A loud bang and an trembling of the whole castle woke me up. I had paper work to do, so I slept in my room this night.

When I sat up, I took the little candle on the night stand and walked downstairs to see what happened. As soon, as I walked around the corner, I saw the whole hall filled with soldiers. In shock, I stood there and the candle fell to the ground.

"See whos there! Have you missed me!?" Two soldiers walked behind me and pushed me into the hall. No one moved, only Rafal came closer. My heart started to race as I looked around.

"Wheres, wheres Leonora?" He chuckled and stepped aside, only to reveal Leonora starring at me with a death glare. "Leonora!" I was reliefed and wanted to step closer, when she startes to chuckle.

"You really think I would play friends now after what you did to me?" Confused, I stopped and placed my hand on the little hidden dagger. "What do you mean?" "Oh comon! You tried to kill me! Rafal told me what happened!" Rafal smirked at me, as tears formed in my eyes. "So I'm here now to take my revenge."

There was no way I could run away, and talking with her didnt seem to be an option either. "Oh what has he done to you Lesso?" "Dont call me that name! You shouldnt even look at me for what you did!" I looked onto the ground and took my hand off the dagger.

The whole hall went quiet, as I heard footsteps come closer. "What are you doing?" She asked, as she stopped directly infront of me. "Doing as you told me to." I whispered, preparing myself for the next move.

"Thats no fun when you dont put up a little fight." "You want a little fight?" She placed her hand on my chin and made me look at her. My face turned a bit red and she smirked slightly. "Yes, I want a little fight." "Just promise you forgive me Nora." Her eyes gave me that loving look she always gave me when we cuddled and a tear rolled down my face.

"Why should I ever forgive you?" I closed my eyes and thought about the one spell Leonora taught me, before using it against her. With a shock wave, she flew back onto the ground, far away from me.

Leonora PoV:

I shook my head and sat up, the back of my head started to hurt and when I touched there, I saw blood. "You want kill me again, huh! DO YOU WANT THAT!?" Rage started to take over and I stood back up.

"Leonora please! Stop this! I dont want to hurt you!" "Stop all your whining and fight!" I pulled my sword and came closer. She pulled a little dagger and backed away. "And now your scared, hm?" "Please, dont do this to me, I cant fight you!" I chuckled and tried to hit her with my sword. "Well you have to, else you will die."

She jumped to the side and used that spell on me again, so I flew into the soldiers. "You wanna play that way?!" I got back on my feet and summoned a big fire ball, the soldiers behind her lifted their shields as a protect wall.

I heard Rafal laugh from somewhere behind me and knew that he was enjoing this show. "Nora, please! Remember what really happened! He did this all to you! And to me." I looked at her and the fire ball disappeared. "What are you doing!? End her!" I ignored his demand and slowly came closer.

"What are you talking about? I was the only one there, Rafal only came to rescue me, he did nothing to you!" She lifted her shirt and showed me stab wounds. "Then you have done this?" I dropped the sword and walked closer. "You better dont play with a Never my lovely Ever." A little smile appeared on her face.

"What are you doing! LEONORA, I DEMAND YOU STAY BACK!" Something flashed before my eyes and I saw how she was there in the air, someone stabbing into her body over and over again. "You tried to safe me, and the only thing that could safe me was for you to go with him." I looked her into the eyes, before carefully touching the wounds.

She leaned into my touch and looked at me with loving eyes. "Please tell me you remember what really happened." The scene flashed before my eyes one more time and I realised that she had screamed my name the whole time. I remembered how those soldier held me to the ground and now I saw...now I saw how Rafal stabbed her over and over again.

I took some steps back and looked at her. "Your lying!" "Why should I!?" She threw the dagger onto the ground and stepped a bit closer. "I love you, did you really forget that? We both love us! Rafal is playing with your mind! Remeber all that what we had."

I looked over to Rafal, which was standing in the hall now. "Dont listen to her! She is trying to make you belive some lies!" I saw for a moment how we sat in a bath tub and cuddled there. "Please Nora, the last four weeks have been hell without you." She placed her hand on my shoulder and looked deep into my eyes.

"No! No! NO! I just got her back, your not gonna destroy that now!" The soldiers slowly started to come closer, as Rafal made his way over to us. "Clarissa." Was the last words I whispered, before I was back in the hall of this mansion.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!? I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO TAKE REVENGE!" Rafal came closer to me and before I could even say anything, he slapped my face. "DID YOU FORGET WHAT SHE DID TO YOU!? I am the one that safed YOU!" He pushed me at the you to the ground, before looking down at me.

"Get up, and go wait in my room!" "Rafal, I-" "GO!" I got quiet and stood up, before walking to his room. All the way, I thought about those images that had flodded my mind. "What if she was telling the truth?" I asked myself and felt the need to cry when I sat down on the bed.

"I need to get out of here." I whispered and looked around. Even when Rafal was telling the truth, he wasnt done with me just now. Those few slaps were nothing, I knew there would come more.

No one PoV:

Rafal walked inside his bed room and looked around. "Are you hiding now my Love?" He looked around, but when he saw the window that was a little open, his smile dropped. "You better not have done that you fucking slut."

As he looked out of the window, he saw how Leonora was climbing down the wall. "Come back inside! You cant get away, were high up in the air! I dont want to do anything to you!" She looked back up to him, before looking down at the clouds.

"I dont know what is the truth and what are lies! And as long as I dont know that, I will leave!" With that, she jumped and fell into the clouds. Rafal yelled after her, but she didnt listen to him anymore, only concentrated on the fall and the feeling of freedom.

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