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Who was it?

Clarissa PoV:

I heard footsteps in my room and slowly opened my eyes a bit, only to close them again. "Turn off the lights!" I grumbled and covered my face. Leonora chuckled and I heard how the curtains got pulled close. "Someone drank a glass champagne to much last night?" I slapped the pillow on my face and groaned. "I would take that as a yes."

Leonora sat down next to me and pulled away the pillow. "Now there is my Princess." I just rolled my eyes and groaned again. "You wanna shower a bit to wake up more? I can go and get you some coffeé if you want." With a nod, I slowly moved to the bathroom, taking off my underwear, before sitting down in the shower. The warm water ran down my body and my back leaned at the wall of the shower. Leonora was gone to get breakfast and coffeé and I was just done.

As soon as I heard the door open, I looked at the bathroom door. "Here, I got your coffeé." I dragged myself over to her and took the cup from her, before drinking it empty. Leonora just stood there and laughed. "If we were at my place now, you could sit in a bathtub and I could massage." "Well maybe thats not a bathtub, but you can still massage me." With that I glared at her and she started to take off her cloths.

After I had enough of the shower, I told her to carry me to bed which she did. "And what do we do today?" She asked after we cuddled some time. "We stay in bed and sleep and dont talk. Only cuddles." I heard her chuckle and turned around to look at her. "I'm going to slap you if you dont shut up right now." "Okay, okay. I'm quiet now Princess. Close your eyes and get some rest." I noddeed and gave her a quick kiss, before snuggling deep into her.

Leonora PoV:

She was way to cute right now. I played with her hair and kissed her head softly. Time passed way to slow and I couldnt sleep, so I tried my best to read, what really wasnt that easy. I mean, she slept on one of my arms, so not really easy. My thoughts went to yesterday and what all happened. It was a really nice evening, something I havent had in a while, still it felt like something was off about it.

There was that feeling again, that feeling of beeing watched. The last time I had that feeling was in my office. And then I rember standing up and then I was at the wall and walked outside. Like I forgot something. But did something happen? I mean it just feels like its normal, you forget things, but this doesnt feel normal. With a sigh I shook off that memory, that was only something I imagined, there was everything okay. 

Clarissa stirred around and I held her close, slowly feeling myself get tired too, so I closed my eyes. I kinda slept in, but there was something that disturb me and I couldnt tell what it was. A feeling that I just couldnt shake off. With a final sigh, I finally slept in.

It was already evening when we woke up again, well, when she woke up. And then she woke. "Your feeling better now Princess?" "A bit, yeah." I smiled and pulled her closer to me, before giving her a soft kiss. "We should get up and show that we live. Not that anyone starts to think we got kidnapped or died." I chuckled and nodded, grabbing some fresh cloths, before putting them on. Clarissa stook with a rose gold suit that had flower accents. "Have I ever seen you wear a suit?" "I dont know, you have to tell me." With that she just walked out of the room.

I followed her quickly, not without starring at her ass before. I mean, it just looked perfect in those pants, gosh. How could you not stare? "Maybe I should say you have to sleep alone tonight?" "Because I stared?" She nodded and we walked down the stairs to the dinning hall. "Oh comon, really now?" "Then stop it, I'm not yours." "Well I remember that you screamed something else." She stopped and slapped my arm. "Your really pushing your limits Lesso. I can be on top too." "Yeah yeah, ofcourse Princess." She rolled her eyes and slapped me once again, before we walked into the dinning hall.

After we ate, we walked back upstairs. "Can I ask for forgivness now?" Clarissa looked suprised at me. "The big Lady Lesso askes for forgivness. And nobody is here to see it, sad." "Please, you seemed really pissed about it, so I want to ask for forgivness and apologize."

She stopped and looked away from me, thinking about what I just said. "I could say now go on your knees and beg for it, but you wouldnt do-" As she turned back to me I was already on my knees. Her face burning red.

"Can you forgive me, please Clarissa?" She just stood there and looked down at me. "Pathetic." With that she just continued to walk to our room. Suprised I got back up and walked after her.

"I thought you would not react like that." "I'm full of suprises Lesso that I havent told you yet." She opened the door to our room and we both stared in shock. It was completely torn and destroyed. I saw how tears started to well in her eyes and I looked around. "I'll be right back." With that I stormed off and into the direction of the office from the dean of the school for good.

Clarissa PoV:

Wherever she was going, it would give trouble so I ran after her. When I finally found her, she was already screaming at my dean. "WHOEVER THIS WAS COULD HAVE HURT HER WHEN SHE STILL WOULD HAVE BEEN ASLEEP! I THOUGHT THIS SCHOOL WAS SAVE! SEEMED LIKE ITS THE OTHER WAY AROUND!"

I stepped next to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Its okay, I'm fine and safe, nothing happened to me." "But something could have happened to you! You better find out who that was or I'm going to do the same to you that I did to my dean. And this time I wont have mercy." Her voice was low now, which gave that all a kinda hot touch. Fuck.

I shook my head and looked at her. "Can we just go to your romm? I wanna lay down, and just not think about that anymore." She nodded and took her hand in mine. "You know what you have to do." The dean just nodded quickly, before we left his office and walked over to the other school.

As soon as we sat foot in her room, I felt like some weigh got lifted from my shoulder. "Can I get you something Princess?" She asked, while standing in the door. "No and, please dont go. I, I want you to stay here." With a nod she came insede and closed the door. "I wont go anywhere then. Lets lay down, hm? We can read a bit if you want." I nodded with a soft smile and took of my cloths, before slipping into some of Lesso's. "You look way to cute in them." My face got warmer again and I snuggled into her arms, before grabbing my book.

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