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Jokes and Games

Leonora PoV:

Clarissa was gone early in the morning, she knew what I was about to do so I understood why she left so early. I put on an old suit and walked otaide our room and down to the doom room.

The three students were already there, chained to the wall, a feared look on their faces, as I entered the room. "Please, we, we will stop, I promise." "Nawww, how cute... And pathetic." I placed my cane aside and rolled my sleeves up. "Sooo, who wants to go first?" They all kept quiet so I counted them over and over again. "So it will be you, perfect." Enzo grabbed the student and brought him over to a wooden stool, where he chained him up again.

Clarissa PoV:

I tried to get my mind everywhere else but to what Leonora told me yesterday. Those poor souls. Whatever they have done, they didnt deserve that.

I sighed and looked at my tea. All alone in my office, I didnt even had a task do to. Gosh, it was like a punishment for me. I just shook my head and stood up. "A little walk in the garden will help." I said to myself and made my way outside the school.


Leonora PoV:

Some time has passed since I started and the students all sat at the wall, shaking and crying. "What? Did you thought I would go easy on you?" No one answered me and no one even dared to make a sound.

"Your still alive, atleast be thankful for that, understood?" Now they all nodded and I looked over at Enzo which looked at the other guards. "Bring them into the hospital section and lock them up for now. I will talk to them later." He nodded and the guards dragged the students away.

I walked over to the other school and asked a teacher where Clarissa was. "She went outside into the garden." I nodded and made my way outside to look for her.

"Hello my beautiful Princess." She looked up at me, her eyes running over my body, before stopping at my shirt. "You could atleast have changed your shirt." She mumble and looked down. As she said that, I looked down and saw the blood stains on it.n "I probably should have done that, yeah. Forgive me Clarissa." She just nodded, her head still down.

With a turn of my finger, I changed my cloths and sat down next to her. "You know that nothing would have changed my mind." "I know. Still, those are humans. Kids." She turned her head to me and I saw how tears ran down her face. I carefully laid my arm around her and kissed her forehead. "Their still alive, I did that for you." She nodded, hiding her face in my neck.

After some time of just sitting there, Enzo came to us. "Its starting to get dark, I think its time to get inside. We shouldnt be out late." I nodded and looked at Clarissa, which was shaking a bit. "Carry her please." He just nodded, carefully picking her up. "All comfy Miss?" "Yes, thank you Enzo." With that, I took my cane and walked after them over to the school for evil.

Clarissa PoV:

Enzo placed me down on the bed and wished me a good night, before he left us two alone. "I can sleep in my office if, if you want that." I looked at Leonora and sighed. "Ypu said you had your reasons. I trust you there Lesso, dont abuse that trust, you understand?" She nodded and looked at me. "Come here, I wanna cuddle. Just promise me you wont ever speak about it again." "I promise my Princess." A little smile apperead on my face as she came closer.

"I'm to tired, help me out of my cloths." "Are we gonna fuck?" I slapped her arm. "Tired but never to tired to do that, hm?" With a nod, I smiled, watching her as she helped me out of my dress.

"Sooo...?" "No Lesso no." She grumbled and turned away. "Really now? Your such a child Lesso." "YoUr SuCh A cHiLd LeSsO." She mumbled and I slapped her once more. "Be nice now, I wanna cuddle. You own me that." With a turn, she looked at me. "But only because I cant stand sleeping without feeling your ass." I grabbed the pillow and slapped it at her face. "Unbelivable! Stop it Lesso or else..." "Or else what, hm Princess?" With a roll of my eyes, I cuddled closer to her. "Or else your gonna sleep on the ground." "Hey, not nice." "Then better behave Lesso." She just shook her head and started to scratch my back.

"Further up." She did as I wanted and I pressed myself more into her. "God~" "Spare your moaning for when I'm really fucking you." I just rolled my eyes, grabbing into the bed sheets. "Fuck you Lesso." "Well, when you insist." She stopped the scratching and used her finger glow to take of her bra. I blushed and slapped her softly. "God yes, harder." "Your sleeping in your office." She started to laugh and I turned away.

"Oh comon, cant take a little bit of fun, hm?" "I said I'm tired, let. Me. Sleeeeeeeeeeep." I looked back at her and blushed. God, she looked just to hot with her messy hair. "Naww, thank you. But no touching, you understand?" Again, I rolled my eyes. "Lets say you only do that when I burry my fingers or my tounge inside of you, yeah? You always look so ann-" I pressed my pillow on her face and sighed. "Finally. She is quiet."

Her arms sneaked around my waist and held me close. "Your gonna kill me if you dont put that away." I laid the pillow aside and she kissed me directly. "Now were gonna fuck?" "No." I pressed her head back down and snuggled close to her. "You sure?" "Yes, now shhh, Princess needs her beauty sleep, forgott that?" "No my Queen, I'm gonna be quiet now."

I smiled and pulled the blanket more over us. "Better is, or the Queen is gonna punish you." "No, no, no. I'm the one thats gonna punish you..." With that she went quiet and closed her eyes to sleep. "Wait, what do you mean? Lesso?" She didnt answer me and I looked up only to see her smirk. "Lesso, what do you mean?" "Sleep, you need your beauty sleep." "But-" "Shhhhh." She held her hand over my mouth and with that she said no more.

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