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We are back

Clarissa PoV:

I laid ontop of Leonora when I woke up, so I didnt move. She was so beautiful when she was alseep. "Your a creep." "Good morning to you too." "Stop starring at me." She placed her arm before her face and i started to chuckle.

"Stop hiding your beauty." I saw how she rolled her eyes and got off her. "You wont kiss me?" She asked and played hurt. "Like I said, a little child." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her lovingly.

"Do we have to get up already? I want to cuddle some more." "We can cuddle as long as you want to, when we're back in your bed." She looked at me, as I put my clothes on. "Deal?" "Can we do more then cuddle then?" I blushed and looked back at her. "Was last night not enough?" "Theres never enough of you."

I felt how my face got even more red and stood up to get my head clear again. "Your unbelivable Lesso!" I said over my shoulder, as I made me some tea.

She came to me and I offered her a cup, which she took with a warm smile.

"Just tomake it clear, the plan for today is to get back to the schools?" I nodded and felt how she wrapped her arms around me from behind. Her chin rested on my shoulder and she gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "I have to admit, I miss seeing you in your suit." A light pink coloured my cheeks and I got another kiss.

"I know, all those looks you give me when we sit together in the dining hall, or when i have to go earlier then you. You really thought I wouldnt notice, hm?" "Yeah..." She chuckled and stood back up, walking to the bed to gather our stuff.

After we both had eaten something, we put on some more comfy cloths and stepped outside the cabin. "Your sure you have anything you need?" I asked her once more and she nodded. "Dont worry Princess. Else I will sent one of my guards to get it." She smiled at me and we started walking.

Leonora PoV:

Something inside me wanted to remember something, but I didnt know what. "My guards." I said to myself and Clarissa looked at me. "What?" "Something about it, I dont know what. I have my own guards."

"Are you thinking of Enzo?" And there it was. "Omg yes, Enzo, ofcourse. I forgot him, god, I forgot Enzo." Clarissa took my hand in hers and kissed it. "Dont worry, he wont be mad at you. He was worried too when Rafal had you. And he was there for me aswell. I'm glad that you chose him." I smiled and so we kept walking, talking about what all had happened since we last saw us.

Clarissa started to talk about all the adventures she had, while looking for me. "And those villigas I was in, they were so beautiful. And the goats I have seen, ahhhh. I want a baby goat Leonora." I chuckled and she stopped to look at me.

"Dont laugh, I mean this serious. I want a baby goat." I looked at her and tried to stop my laughter. She looked so adorable with her serious face. "You want a baby goat?" "Yes, and when you say no then I will get one behind your back." "Ohhh, the Princess is threatening me." She just rolled her eyes and walked past me, making me laugh.

The sun stood above us when I saw the castles in the distance. "I cant remember that it took so long for me to get to the cabin." "Doesnt matter, we want to go back to the schools, and the sooner we get there, the sooner I can take a bath and relax. And you." She poked my arm. "Will have a bath with me." "Wont ever say no to that."

She smiled and we kept on walking, seeing the castles come closer and closer with every minute passing by.

When we finally arrived at the schools, Clarissa was complaining about her feet. "You want me to carry you, the just ask Princess." "No, not you. I want Enzo. He has soft fur." "Cheating on me with my guard, how can you do this to me." I played like I was dieing and she only rolled her eyes, placing her backpack down.

"Can you get him, please. My feet are killing me." I smiled and whistled once. Not soon after the big wolf came towards us and stopped, looking shocked. If I wouldnt have seen it, I wouldnt have believed it, but Enzo dropped his axe and picked us both up, hugging us close.

"I missed you too buddy." Clarissa said, when he placed us down again. "I apologize for the hug Mistress, it was just way to long that I have last seen you." "Dont worry, I'm glad that you missed me. Can you carry my girlfriend to my room and fill the bathtub? I will follow you guys, I just want to tell everyone we're back." He nodded and picked Clarissa up, not before I gave her one last kiss.

They both dissappeared into the school for evil and I told some guards to gather all students from both schools in the main hall.

When I got there, everyone sat on the bench and looks went around when they saw me. I stepped up to the front and screamed oce, so everyone went quiet.

"As you all can see, I am back! Dont worry, Professor Dovey is back here as well. I wont explain what happened, but I apologize for everything that happened. It wasnt in my interest to hurt anyone here." I looked around and breathed in slowly.

"We will be your teachers and deans again, so if you have problems, come to us." With that I just walked back through the hall and out of this school. The only person I wanted to see now was Clarissa.

When I got to my room, she was already in the bathtub, smiling at me. "Will you join me?" I started to take off my cloths and sat down behind her. "You act like crazy when I ask you to join." "What can I say, I love those boobs." I placed my hands on them and she leaned into my touch.

"N-no, we're just gonna relax now, understood?" "Agree, I'm tired as well." She smiled and leaned back so that I had her in my arms. As she slowly drifted off to sleep, I gave her soft kisses all over her neck and head, looking that she was comfy and warm.

"Sleep well my Princess. I love you." "I love you more Lesso." I smiled down at her. "And we will get a baby goat." Were the last words she mumbled, before she was completely asleep. I chuckled and nodded softly.

"If this is what you want, then we can get a baby goat." I kissed her head again and started to scratch her arm, till I fell asleep as well.

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