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A kiss you will forget

Clarissa PoV:

With a groan, I looked at the sleeping beauty that fell asleep ontop of me. "Gosh, your heavy Lesso." I whispered and she slapped my arm. "I can hear you." She mumbled and looked up to me. I smiled at her and chuckled. "I'm sorry sleeping beauty, I wont ever dare to say anything bad about you again." Leonora strechted and yawned, before sitting up. "Good idea. I should always punish you when you say something bad about me." She smirked over her shoulder and now it was my turn to slap her.

After we both got up and put on our clothes, we walked to the dinning hall and sat down to eat breakfast. We didnt had much time, because we got up late today, so I gave her one last kiss, which gave us some looks from the students, but by now I didnt care anymore. Some already have seen it and the rest would have known by now. That was something that spread around like a fire in a dry forest.

She smiled and wished me a bad day, which made me chuckle. "You have a great day too Lesso." With that I walked out of the hall and to my classroom to start my classes.

The time passed by and one class after another ended. Today was stressing and I walked outside and into the garden. Birds flew around, little fairys greeted me lovely and the flowers just looked beautiful. Everything seemed so peaceful and I relaxed. As some more students passed my way, I sat down on a bench and looked at the River reflecting the water.

The whole time I sat there, I couldnt shake off the feeling being watched. I looked around but couldnt see anyone. "Are you going crazy already Clarissa? Maybe we should go inside and lay down a bit. Yeah, we should do that." I nodded to myself as I stood up and walked inside the castle. Still there was that feeling that someone watched me every move.

No ones PoV:

A little Raven sat in the tree Clarissa sat near by just minutes ago. It has watched her sit there and think. As soon as Clarissa was gone inside the castle again, it flew off and into the direction of the school for evil. As soon as it flew into an old and empty tower, the Raven transformed into a black shadow figure. Not saying anything it stared into a mirror that stood in the middle of the room. Black smoke rose from the ground and the shadow figure steeped inside the mirror, leaving the room empty again.

Leonora PoV:

Clarissa was already sleeping when I got up to her room. With a little smile, I laid down next to her, pulling her into my chest. It was for sure stressful for her. She was a dancing teacher and the ball was only two days away. I kissed her forehead and made sure she was covered in our blanket. "Tomorrow is maybe stressful again, but its worth it. I know how much you will love it to see your students dance." With those words whispered against her head, I closed my own eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next day came and it was pretty the same for me. Even though I had the feeling being watched. It was only something I imagined, because everytime I looked for someone who could be it, there was no one.

With a sigh I stood up from my table and wanted to leave my office to go see Clarissa, but someone grabbed my arm. With a quick turn I slaped my cane into the leg of that someone. He only chuckled and looked at me. "Now look at you. I leave you and you replace me with a Never? Your truly weak Leonora." I stared into his eyes and he stepped closer. "I want to help you get away from her. Just do as I say, and I will help you become the evil I had always planned you to be."

My body started to shake and my heart to race. This wasnt a good sign at all. "No." I spat at him, pulling my arm away. "Well then, I have to make my plans without you." "We will be ready when you come. I know your here now." He chuckled and stepped closer again, using his magic to press me against the wall behind me. "No you wont, you wont even tell a single other living soul." "You really think I will listen to you?" He stepped closer again, till he stood right infron of me, only inches apart. "No, but i'll make you forget, dont worry."

I looked down at him as he got onto his tip toes and pulled me closer, before kissing me hungryly. I was pressed against the wall and couldnt get away from his grip. "And now you will forget everythung again." He growled and tapped my head shortly, his eyes glowing red.

I shook my head and looked around. I leaned against the wall of my office, but why? With a confused look on my face I walked out of it and over to see Clarissa. The fact that this all was stressing her made me seem forget thinghs too, I just dont know why and what I forgot. "Probably nothing important anyway." With that I walked inside of our shared room and looked around for her.

As soon as I heard the shower run, I took of my clothes and sneaked into the bathroom, before joining her. She relaxed into my touch and I kissed her neck softly. "Stressful day?" "Its all worth it when they dance beautifully together tomorrow." I chuckled and nodded, turning her around, before kissing her lips. "Your probably right with that Princess. Now lets not talk about school and stress anymore hm? How about we shower and then we cuddle into bed, I can make a fire in the camin and we can relax." "Gosh, that sounds like heaven right now." I smiled and kissed her once again, before continuing to shower with her.

After I was done, she put on some comfy cloths and I made a fire in the camin. "All done, now lets cuddle and relax, hm? Tomorrow will be a big day. For you and the students." She smiled and nodded, kissing me softly. "Do you have a new lipstick?" "No?" Confused, I looked at her. "Why do you ask?" "Your lips taste different." I shook my head and placed her hand in mine. "Maybe its something I ate or drank, hm? Lets not worry about that now. Close your eyes and get some sleep. We want you to be ready for tomorrow, right Princess?" "You say it like it would be my Evers Ball." She mumbled and I kissed the side of your head.

"Your the dance teacher, so basically its your Ball." She just rolled her eyes, before closing them. "Sleep well Princess." "You to Lesso, I love you." I adored it when she mumbled that. It just sounded way to cute. "I love you too Clarissa."

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