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Four hours left

Leonora PoV:

The next few days were pretty quiet. I dont know why, but it didnt really relax me. Nothing that Clarissa tried, helped me calm down. Rafal wasnt dead, just hurt like last time. There was a pretty good chance that he would attack anytime.

I sat on my desk and starred down onto my papers. My feelings were like a thick blanket that wanted to suffocate me. I breathed in deeply and leaned back.

"Just look at you, all because I'm not there anymore." I leaned up and stared him into the eyes. "Just come here for real and I promise you, I will kill you directly." "But how will you ever feel good again?" "When your dead, I will feel more then good!" He chuckled and sat down on my chair.

"You know, I'm so close to just destroy everything here. But then I dont get what I truly want." He turned his head to me and smiled. "How about I warn you. You can try everything to defend those schools, but I will win. I just want to see you all suffer." I glared up to him and grabbed my can. "Four hours, then I will come back again. With my soldiers. And then I will tore down everything." And with that he disapperead.

I stood up and walked down the hall, Enzo followed me and I told him what happened. "Get the teachers together, from boths schools, understood?" He nodded and ran off, as I went upstairs to get Clarissa.

"Four hours?" She asked, as I explained to her what happened. "Yes, four, well more three and fifty minutes. Enzo is getting all teachers together. The students are brought into the safe rooms and now its our turn to decide what we will do. If he really attacks and wants to tore down everything, we need to have a clear plan. Or we're fucked." She nodded and I took her hand in mine.

"Whatever happens then, I will love you more then anything. If he hurts you, I will make him regret that he was born. Stay with me all the time, and no one will touch you." "Your so sweet Lesso." She said and pulled me closer to kiss me. I leaned in and held her close.

"You can thank me when we live after this." I smirked so she knew what I truly meant. She only rolled her eyes and we walked into the libary were everyone was waiting for us.

Everyone was talking over and under and no one really said somethign that helped us. "SHUT UP!" Clarissa yelled and even I looked suprised at my girlfriend. "Panik wont get us anywhere! So everyone sit down and stay quiet!" All teachers sat down and I did as well.

Whereever the demanding tone came from, it was fucking hot.

"When Rafal comes, we need to defend ourselves. Like we learned last time, protection spells wont work well and only steal our power. The students are in the safe rooms, so every teacher goes to their students. Try to teach them defending spells as quick as you can and then stay here. Lock the entrance and hope for the best."

I saw how the teachers started to get nervous. "But what if they come in? We all just sit there then, ready for them to defeat us." Oher teachers agreed and Clarissa looked at me.

"We understand that, but just think about it. They wont think about awhole school casting magic against them when they break the door open. And when you can keep that up, they cant come in." I nodded and stood back up, taking my place next to her.

"And what about Rafal?" "We will take care of him, you all just focus on the students. Now go, Go!" They all stood up and ran off, leaving us both alone again.

Clarissa PoV:

"I'm scared Leonora." She turned to me and took my hand in hers. "You dont have to be, I will protect you, I promise." A little smile apperead on my face and I kissed her.

"Comon, we need to get something." I looked questioning, but she only pulled me with her back to heŕ room.

As we entered the room, Rafal was sitting on the bed. I stopped and Leonora stepped infront of me. "Naww, trying to protecther, hm? Dont worry, I will let her life so she can hold your dead body." She glared at him, her finger starting to glow.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and softly squeezed it. "Hes not here Lesso, calm down." She breathed in and I walked closer, my hand going comepletly through him. "See?" She nodded and he chuckled. "Well then, I leave you two alone, I see you again when I kill you." With that he disappeared.

Leonora walked over to the wall where the closet stood infront and with the turn of her hand the wall opened. She started to take off her suit and got into an leather armor like suit. She grabbed a sword and little daggers, that she secured on different spots at the suit.

After she had secured the sword at her side, she came back to me. "You need to change out of that dress, and as much as you dont want to, you need to use this." She gave me an 4 inch long dagger and looked me into the eyes.

"I'm sorry you have to do all this." "Its not your fault Lesso, you know that." I placed my hand on her cheek and smiled at her, before walking to her closet to change my cloths.

Leonora PoV:

I stood at the window and looked around to look for a good place to fight. If we would hide it would only make things more difficult, so when he belives were easy to attack we can use that.

Clarossa stepped next to me, while she secured the dagger at her waist. I looked her up and down and smirked, she looked hot in that suit.

"Get your mind back here Lesso, you cant think about that now." I played sad, before kissing her lovingly. "Comon, the only thing we can do now is wait, so why dont teach you some spells you could use to defend yourself?" With that, I pulled her with me down the hall and over to the garden of the other school.

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