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Four more days

Leonora PoV:

Clarissa sat on my lap, her head snuggled deep into my neck. She was half asleep, when I was playing with her hair. I had her back, after such a long time.

With a smile on my face, I carefully stood up and carried her over to the bed. She clung to me, when I tried to walk over to my side. "Dont leave, please." She mumbled and my heart made a little jump. "Dont worry my Princess, I wont leave." I gave her a soft kiss on her head and walked over to my side to lay down.

As soon as I was in the bed, she cuddled up close and I pulled the blanket over us. "You cant imagine how much I missed this." She whispered against my neck and sneaked her hand under my shirt, drawing little patterns on my stomach. "I can, believe me." I started to scratch her arm, as I watched her fall asleep in my arms.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of food. I sat up and looked around to see Clarissa making breakfast, dancing around the little table I had in this cabin.

I smiled widely and watched her, not interrupting this peacefull moment. "How many times have I told you that you shall stop starring Lesso?" She gave me that look she always gave me and I chuckled. "I cant help myself when I see such a beautiful girl." I saw how she blushed and stood up.

I took her hand and pulled her towards me to kiss her. "What are we gonna eat?" "Nothing special, I had to work with what you had here." She offered me a plate and I sat down as we started to eat.

When we were done, we sat on the couch, snuggled close to one another. "What do we do now?" I asked and looked down to her. "I dont know. We can stay here, or we go back. We can run away. I, I dont care, as long as I'm with you, I will do anything." She looked up at me and i got lost in those beautiful brown eyes.

"So were still the deans of the schools?" "Yeah, their waiting for me to come back. And hopefully with you. But, but you dont have to go back if you dont want to. We can stay here aswell and I send a letter out, that we cant come back." I shook my head and looked out of the window.

"Its just, what if he tries to bring us apart again?" "You mean Rafal?" She sat up and I nodded. "Yes, what if he-" "He's dead." My look got confused and she scratched her neck.

"I, I killed him, with what you showed me. He was there again to kill me, thats when he told me you ran away. I saw my chance to get you back and something took over me. I had your words in my head and, and killed him." She looked scared of herself and I pulled her close to me, kissing her forehead softly.

"You know that you did the right thing Princess. I'm proud of you that you were so brave." "I killed him, even when he was bad, I killed him." I heard her sob and soon after I felt her tears run down my neck. "If you want to, we can stay here some more days and then go back to the schools. Like a little holiday." She nodded and I turned her head to me so I could kiss her.

"F-four more days. Then we go back." "As you wish my Princess." We smiled at eachother and I kissed her again. "Four more days."


Those four days were like heaven. No stress because of the schools or students. Just us both in this little cabin, away from any other person. It was relaxing and when we had some time off again I would definitly take her here.

"We go back tomorrow?" I asked, looking over to her. She was reading in the bed, looking way to cute. "Yes, even when I have to admit that this is relaxing, I miss the schools. And my students." "More then you miss me?" I played hurt and she chuckled. "You will always be number one, dont worry little Lesso."

"Little Lesso, really now?" "If your behaving like a little child then your little Lesso." She looked in her book again and continued to read, so I sneaked up to her.

"Whatever your planing to do, I would leave it or else you can sleep on the couch." I chuckled and crawled ontop of her. "Thats worth it." With that I started to tickle her, her beautiful laughter filling the air.

"Leonora Lesso!" She said loudly, letting her book fall to the ground. "You, you better stop now!" I heard her, but I didnt stop. "Please!" "Only when you apologize." She laughed out and nodded. "Okay, okay!"

As soon as I stopped, she flipped us around and pinned my hands next to my head. "Your in trouble now Miss." "Miss, really?" She glared down at me and I kept quiet. One more stupid joke and I had serious problems.

"Not ever again, will you tickle me, understood?" I shook my head and she turned her head to the side. "You mean no, you dont understand? Do I have to remind you of the punishment I gave you when we started to teach on our schools?" My head turned read and I shook my head again.

"So, again. You wont ever tickle me again, understood?" "Yes, clearly." She smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I used this to turn us back around. With a smirk, I looked down at her, her hands pinned abover her head and with me on sitting on her waist.

"This somehow turns me on." She rolled her eyes and tried to move, but I held her in place. "Ah, ah, ah. Your not going anywhere." "Lesso, please let me-" "Nope, your staying here."

I leaned down and kissed her softly, making my way over to her neck. She turned her head to the side to give me more access and I smirked against her skin.

"Do you think what I think?" "Just be quiet and touch me already. Please." "Desperate and needy, like always. Did you miss my hands all over your body?" She blushed and closed her eyes, which made me smirk. "I'll take that as a yes."

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