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The Never Ball

Leonora PoV:

I was walking up and down in my room. It was still two hours till the Never Ball, but the time didn't seem to pass. My head was full with the spoken words from yesterday. "I can't, I just can't do that, I-" A knock on the door pulled me back into reality. "Always at the best times." I mumbled to myself, before I opened the door. "Hello Love." And there she was. "I just wanted to check if your alright. And I wanted to give you this." She held out a little box with a black flower in it. I looked closer and saw that it was a black dahlia.

"Nice from you, I will wear it." I took the box and wanted to close the door, but ofcourse she had to stop it. "You never asked me for my name, so I assume you know it." She smirked shortly, making me want to smash her head against the wall. "No, I don't know your name, and I don't really want to know it." "But, how are you supposed to scream my name tonight?" With disgust I looked down, before hiding it behind a smile. "I don't really like to do this, I would be glad when you would let me call you, well, let me call you Mommy." I could have slapped a thousand times now for saying this. "So no name, just Mommy?" "Yes, just, just Mommy." She smirked and pulled me closer to her, softly cupping my cheeks, before kissing me. "Well then Love, I see you later. I pick you up from here, so be ready." With this she stepped away, leaving me filled with anger and disgust.

I slammed the door shut, leaning against it. "God, I better have a plan when the ball is over." This girl made me just feel so many things, and I'm not talking about the good ones. With a sigh, I pushed myself away from the door, walking over to my closet. I picked out a black suit, with a pairing black suit top and a red tie. I layed it out, before walking to my bathroom, filling the tub with water. "I need to relax a bit or I kill her right there at this Ball." With this I got rid of my clothes and got into the tub.

1½ hours later

I was done, still half an hour till she was here. I just clipped the flower to my suit, as I heard a knock at my door again. "If this is she." I mumbled and opened the door. And for my luck it was she. "I thought we could be a bit earlier there, dance and talk, you know." On the inside I was screaming, but at the outside I just nodded. "Just give me a second, I want to open a window. It's really hot in here." With that I walked to the window on my balcony. "I bet it's hot in here because of you." I rolled my eyes, still I chuckled. "Your probably right with that."

She intertwined her arm with mine, and so we walked downstairs to the Ball.

Clarissa PoV:

The ball was boring, so I left it. My thoughts were going to her, but I couldn't sneak into the castle, it was the Ball. Standing on the bridge I looked up to her room, seeing the open window. "You thought about me, even tho you told me to stay away Lesso. Smart girl." I used my magic and transformed into a pigeon, before flying up to her room.

Leonora PoV:

After some hours of dancing, talking, her just touching me, kissing me and god, I don't even want to remember the rest what happend, we finally left the Ball. Well, I thought it was good till I remember what part should come now. We walked to my room and I opened the door for her.

Clarissa PoV:

I had changed my clothes to some of hers, putting my dress away in her closet. The door opened and I wanted to go greet her, but as soon as heard the voice of the girl I stopped. With panik I stepped in the closet like last time.

They both walked in, for my luck Leonora stopped where I could see her. "Is there something you don't want me to do Love?" "Yes, sleeping with me." Leonora looked so hot in that suit. "What do you mean, are you scared?" "No I mean like I don't want to fucking sleep with you. I, I don't even like you." Wow, you could have said that better Lesso. "What?" "I'm just doing this to save my relationship." My eyes widened. God why wasn't she thinking. And I said she was smart. "What for a relation- She's not just your friend, she's your girlfriend!" I knew that Leonora was slapping herself for that now. "Thats, that's not how I-" "Oh comon, I'm not stupid!" She better has a plan now, or were both fucked up.

Leonora PoV:

My mind was blank, I didn't know what to say, I didn't even know what I should do now. "So you thought telling me the thruth was going to stop me from fucking you? You know what, I'm gonna fuck you now, and then tell the schoolmaster about your little relationship." I looked at her, only feeling scared. Not a single word came out of my mouth as she looked at me. Finally, I made something, well, something that wasn't really helping me. With no words said, I walked past her and out to my balcony.

"Come here! When I say we're gonna fuck we're gonna fuck!" She stepped closer to me and now I realised she was holding a knife. "You, you can put that away, you don't have to use that." "I did so many things to get your attention! And then you want to go with the ball with me to save your damn fucking RELATIONSHIP!" She stepped closer to me with every word, till only a few steps were between us. "Yeah but you don't understand, I-" "YOU JUST DONT CARE ABOUT ME! YOU NEVER REALLY DID, DID YOU!?" Her gaze was full of hate and anger. Wrong words and I was dead. "I did so many things and thought you would finally see that I exist. But that was for you fucking relationship!" Even though her voice calmed down, her gaze still was telling me, she would hurt me. "Why do I even care about you! Why did I came so obsessed with you! YOUR JUST A STUPID GIRL, SLEEPING WITH A FUCKING EVER SLUT!" And that was where it clicked for me. "SHES NOT A SLUT! You better watch your words now Bitch!" We both went silent, just starting at eachother. "Now put that knife away and let us talk!" "If I can't have you, she shouldn't either." Some tears ran down her face, as she stepped closer and tried to stab me.

Clarissa PoV:

I only hear them scream. Should I go look, but when. My mind was running wild and then I heard it. Leonora. She was screaming. I stormed out of the closet and looked around, seeing her with the girl on the balcony. Her face was filled with pain. I didn't know what was happening, but I just wanted to have that girl away from my Never. With anger I stormed forwards, pushing the girl against the reeling. With a short look to Leonora, I saw a knife stuck in her abdomen. "You tried to kill my girlfriend, didn't you?" I asked her, holding her dress so she wouldn't fall from the balcony. "When I can't have her no one can!" "YOU FUCKING BITCH TRIED TO KILL MY GIRLFRIEND!" I just couldn't hold me back. She tried to kill her. She tried to kill Leonora. "NOBODY, AND I MEAN NOBODY TOUCHES HER, SHES MINE!" With this I let go of her dress, seeing panik filling her eyes. She tried to catch my arm, but she couldn't, falling down to the balcony, fast to the stones.

"Leonora." I kneeled down next to her, looking at the knife. "No no no no no, please, stay with me. You can't leave me, please." She smiled at me, pulling me closer for a kiss. Tears started to run down my face, as I looked her in the eyes. "Please, don't leave me." "I love you Clarissa." She whispered. "No don't, don't leave me. Why is there nobody! I NEED HELP! PLEASE, WE NEED HELP!" The tears making it hard for me to see, holding her close to me. "HELP! PLEASE! Someone!"

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