Chapter 10: "With this, I'll give up on you completely."

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Chapter 10: As they left the restaurant, Qi Xi let out a sigh of relief. "By the way, Gu Yan, where's your car?"

Gu Yan appeared calm and pursed his lips. "It's parked quite far away."

Qi Xi didn't suspect anything, considering that the parking spaces outside the Michelin restaurant were indeed full. She followed Gu Yan along the bustling street, feeling the expensive atmosphere dissipate as they stood on a lively and ordinary main road. However, it seemed that Gu Yan's car was really parked quite far away. They walked all the way from the bustling Financial Street to the entrance of a small alley, and only then did Qi Xi hear Gu Yan's voice.

"We're here."

Qi Xi looked at the narrow alley that couldn't fit a car passing through. "Huh? Where's the car?"

She watched as Gu Yan calmly walked to the parking shed for electric bicycles, took out a key, and calmly unlocked one of the bicycles.

Gu Yan glanced at Qi Xi with composure. "Isn't the car right in front of you?"


Technically, he wasn't wrong. It was indeed a vehicle...


Qi Xi was dumbfounded. "So, you rode a bicycle here?"


If he rode a bicycle, it would take at least fifteen minutes from the law firm to the restaurant. How did Gu Yan manage to arrive in just ten minutes? Perhaps he rode very fast, considering his long legs...

Although Gu Yan's bicycle had a rear seat, Qi Xi still felt a bit embarrassed to sit on it. She had just received an urgent email from Gu Xuehan asking her to urgently research a question about the proportion of intangible asset equity participation. She had planned to go to the law firm, so she decided to walk back with Gu Yan.

However, Gu Yan frowned. "Get on."

"I don't think that's a good idea... How about you push the bike, and we can walk back together? It would be a good opportunity for some exercise. I've been sitting in the office too much, and walking would be good for my health."

Unfortunately, Gu Yan wasn't convinced. He simply said, "I'm short on time." Gu Yan pressed his lips together. "I still have contracts to revise."

Upon hearing this, Qi Xi immediately felt guilty. If it weren't for her last-minute request for Gu Yan's help, he wouldn't have left work midway. They might have even finished revising the contracts by now.

No wonder he managed to arrive in just ten minutes after rushing over from the law firm. He did it to finish early and return to work!

Now Qi Xi no longer hesitated or felt embarrassed. She hopped onto the back seat of Gu Yan's bicycle, and Gu Yan didn't say a word, he simply started riding.

Despite wearing a suit, Gu Yan still exuded a strong youthful aura. He had a touch of maturity mixed with the appearance of a clean-cut young man. Surprisingly, the combination of a suit and a bicycle didn't look out of place; in fact, it had a certain charm.

Qi Xi, sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, only realized this later, but the frequent glances from passersby made her aware of the fact that in everyone's eyes, Gu Yan was quite handsome, even when riding a bicycle.


Although he was in a hurry before and rode here quite quickly, on the return journey, Gu Yan's speed was slow, almost leisurely. It was so slow that Qi Xi couldn't help but feel a bit impatient.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" she asked.


"But it only took you ten minutes to come here, and now it has been more than ten minutes. We still have about two-thirds of the way to the office..."

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