Chapter 6: "The Complete Guide to Gu Yan" Lives Up to Its Name, Gu Yan, ...

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To Qixi's surprise, the head of the film and television company did show up at the law firm the next day, and he no longer complained or argued. This time, he brought a lawyer with him and finally adopted a more business-like attitude.

When it came to negotiations, Gu Xuehan was very capable. She had already communicated with Chen Xiang about the bottom line of both Chen Xiang and Ai Xiang's side. She swiftly presented several feasible options for breach of contract compensation by the film and television company. In order to express their apologies for the voluntary breach of contract, Chen Xiang's side was willing to offer additional compensation beyond the amount specified in the contract as emotional appeasement.

Film and television projects involve significant investments once they begin. If the original copyright holder creates numerous obstacles from the start and disputes arise after substantial financial investment has been made, it would be even more disadvantageous. Therefore, this time, the head of the film and television company reluctantly accepted the compensation plan that was most favorable to them.

However, before leaving, he couldn't help but express some resentment: "Luckily, I just acquired the rights and haven't formally invested any money yet. Otherwise, if the progress was too far along, I might have to bear these losses myself."

"But Ai Xiang won't go far. He's too short-sighted. Originally, I had already lined up a top-tier team to handle the production of his new book's adaptation. Although the price for the film and television rights wasn't the highest, he wasn't famous at the time, and the price I offered was very sincere considering the circumstances. And although I may speak rudely, I've been in the film and television industry for over 20 years. My projects and actors are absolutely top-notch, and I planned to hire a renowned screenwriter for the script. We were about to sign the contract, but with his current actions, well, let him do as he pleases."

The other party sneered, "There are no impenetrable walls in the world. I know exactly which company can afford such a price tag of 20 million. I can only say that they are upstarts, those real estate bosses thinking they can dabble in the film and television industry without any experience. There isn't even a single person in their team who has successfully completed a project. Let's see what they can make of this project. The temptation of 20 million is great, but those who breach contracts solely for money without any business ethics will eventually fall into their own trap."

When two parties reach a collaboration, they naturally say all the good things about each other. But once they split, they can utter all sorts of offensive and curse-laden words.

Chen Xiang, despite being the breaching party, seemed unfazed by it. It was evident that she had received a good education, and her demeanor remained gentle throughout. Even when the other party made personal attacks multiple times, she simply continued to apologize and endure.

Qixi felt that if it weren't for Chen Xiang's attitude, the film and television company might not have agreed to terminate the contract so quickly.

Chen Xiang was evidently very satisfied with the negotiation and repeatedly thanked Gu Xuehan, saying, "My husband will sign the authorization contract, and it should be sent to the law firm today. I have the contact information of Lawyer Xiao Qi you provided, and I will have my husband promptly pay the legal fees. Thank you so much for your help."

For her first case, the resolution went much smoother than she had expected, and Qixi breathed a sigh of relief.

Not long after, she did receive the express delivery of the authorization agreement already signed by Ai Xiang.


Qixi casually glanced at the package and noticed that it was sent by a local courier.

Didn't Chen Xiang mention that Ai Xiang was on a business trip out of town?

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