Chapter 62 :Can one refrain from doing something due to fear...

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Since Gu Xuehan discovered the relationship between Qi Xi and Gu Yan, in order to prove that her work is not affected by office romance, Qi Xi has become more diligent at work. She truly wants to work well with Gu Xuehan in the joint law firm, avoiding leaving the impression that she relies on dating Gu Yan to enjoy gender privileges. Consequently, she puts in more effort than usual.

These days, the city has experienced continuous heavy rain. Due to this, Gu Xuehan delegated several field tasks involving filing or submitting litigation documents to Gu Yan. However, Qi Xi, intending to demonstrate that she does not want to gain advantages through connections, decisively snatched a few field tasks from Gu Yan.

This time, the court where Qi Xi needs to file the case is located in the suburbs of Rong City. The rain is even heavier than expected, and the wind is so strong that it breaks Qi Xi's umbrella. Hailing a cab is quite challenging. After Qi Xi finishes delivering the documents, she has to rely on public transportation. However, the nearest bus stop still requires some walking. By the time Qi Xi boards the bus, she looks like a drowned rat.

Approaching lunchtime, Qi Xi hasn't had her lunch yet, and Gu Yan is also outside handling field tasks. Glancing at the route back to the joint law firm on her phone, Qi Xi unexpectedly finds that the bus-to-subway transfer station is not far from her father's law firm. How about going to have lunch with Dad?

Last time, on the way home, Qi Rui Ming took the initiative to break the previous deadlock in their relationship. Since then, he has intermittently sent her text messages inquiring about her well-being. Qi Xi's heart is not made of iron, and after a few times, she has indeed let go of much of her previous dissatisfaction with her father.

Qi Xi wasted no time and immediately sent a message to her father. Although she didn't receive a reply, she proceeded to the law firm right away.

Qi Rui Ming operates a personal law firm, and the firm's name "瑞明" directly uses two characters from his name. The rented office building is located near the subway station and bus platform, making it a crucial hub in Rong City with significant foot traffic.

Upon getting off the bus, Qi Xi saw the enormous words "瑞明律所" on the opposite office building. There were also advertisements for Rui Ming Law Firm along the street. While the firm's legal capabilities might not be top-notch, Qi Rui Ming's methods in expanding clientele were commendable. When he initially established Rui Ming Law Firm, he personally distributed flyers to small companies lacking legal support.

However, as soon as Qi Xi entered the elevator of Rui Ming's office building, she received a text reply from her father:
"Sorry, Xixi. I'm having lunch with a client right now. However, our driver Lao Chen is at the office. Due to the heavy rain, I've informed him to pick you up later when you're done at the joint law firm."

Though a bit disappointed, since her visit to Rui Ming was impromptu, Qi Xi didn't feel too upset. Her umbrella was broken, and the rain was heavy. Having Lao Chen pick her up would be much more convenient. Since she was already here, she decided to enter the building to wipe off the rain on her face and head.

Rui Ming Law Firm is a small-sized practice with a total of around ten people, including administrative staff, a driver, practicing lawyers, interns, and assistants. Except for the interns, the rest were familiar faces to Qi Xi.

The last time Qi Xi visited Rui Ming was several years ago. Now, after returning, she noticed that the firm's interior had been renovated, showing some changes. There were also a few personnel changes. The receptionist at the front desk seemed to be newly hired and didn't recognize Qi Xi. She looked at Qi Xi with a puzzled expression.

"Miss, do you have a prior appointment with any lawyer? It's currently our lunch break, and most lawyers have gone for lunch. If you don't have an appointment, you can register your information and the subject you'd like to consult with me. I'll connect you with a lawyer in the relevant specialty later," the receptionist explained.

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