Chapter 39: "So, Don't Leave."

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Qi Xi's emotions were in a haze, and she couldn't even recall the exact nature of the awkward and silent atmosphere as she and Gu Yan took a taxi back to Jinge.

Whether it was due to the impact of emotions on one's well-being or not, Qi Xi felt a bit uncomfortable after returning to the office. It was as if she had eaten something that didn't agree with her stomach.

While Gu Yan and Gu Xuehan went to meet with clients, Qi Xi felt increasingly unwell. She messaged Gu Xuehan and requested half a day off.

After arriving home, Qi Xi soon received a WeChat message from Gu Yan. He first inquired about her reason for taking leave and then, after five minutes, asked about her physical discomfort. Perhaps because Qi Xi didn't respond, half an hour later, he left another message, asking if she was alright.

Although Qi Xi was actually feeling much better, for some reason, perhaps due to her unsettled emotions and not knowing how to communicate with Gu Yan, her mind was in disarray. Like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, she chose not to reply to his messages.

She sat in front of her computer and began searching the recruitment pages of various law firms, noting down the email addresses for several prominent firms and teams that she was interested in. Qi Xi then proceeded to revise and refine her resume accordingly.

When the doorbell rang, Qi Xi initially thought it was Zhao Yiran. However, upon opening the door, she realized that it was Gu Yan who had arrived.

He stood at the doorstep, holding a bag and dressed in a suit. He seemed somewhat awkward, as if he hadn't anticipated Qi Xi opening the door so quickly, as if he hadn't fully adjusted his emotions yet.

Upon seeing Qi Xi, he furrowed his brow and spoke with a flat tone, "Why don't you take a look outside before opening the door? What if it wasn't me, but some random person causing trouble?"

Qi Xi also knew that she had been careless, but she didn't have the energy to discuss such a topic with Gu Yan. So she pretended not to hear and asked him, "How did you come here?" successfully diverting the conversation, and then naturally let him into the house.

"You weren't feeling well, right?" Gu Yan's tone seemed somewhat unnatural as he handed the bag to Qi Xi. "I happened to be out on errands and thought of bringing this for you."

Qi Xi received the bag with some surprise. "What is this?"

Gu Yan succinctly replied, "Medicine."

Qi Xi knew it was medicine, but the fact that it filled up an entire bag was astonishing.

She opened the bag and discovered that it contained almost everything imaginable—cold medicine, fever reducers, stomach medicine, cough medicine, antihistamines, asthma medication, and not just medication, but also various health supplements like calcium tablets, multivitamins, and even lutein and anthocyanin supplements.

Facing Qi Xi's shocked gaze, Gu Yan remained quite composed. "Since you didn't reply and I didn't know what illness you had, I bought all kinds of medicine. You can take a look and decide which ones you need to take. If necessary, I can take you to the hospital. Do you need me to take you?"

Qi Xi quickly shook her head. "N-No, it's not necessary."

She really wanted to chase Gu Yan away because, with his presence, that feeling of impulsive decision-making returned.

Gu Yan seemed unsure of what to say either. Under normal circumstances, he should have left by now. However, for some reason, this man just sat there, as if he didn't want to leave. It created an awkward atmosphere where Qi Xi and Gu Yan stared at each other.

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