ꕥ Unveiled ꕥ

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Normal- Chinese/ Mandarin
Italics- thoughts
Bold- English
(He is wearing the outfit above)

Sitting in his living room on a Saturday morning, Cheng scrolled through his texts with Kiara. She had been texting him to apologize and asking him to answer her calls. He was still upset about the night before but not for obvious reasons. He wanted to know if Kiara had feelings for him. He wasn't overly upset that Luca shoved him down the stairs because Kiara stood up for him. He wasn't upset that he was humiliated in front of her brother because she was standing beside him. As long as she didn't abandon him, he was ok. He felt as if she was brushing over his confession, like it didn't matter to her. He sighed sat his phone beside him and decided to catch up on some reading.

"I should be reading a book on how to understand the female mind" he mumbled to himself.

"Well you could ask your mom and sister about that" Jing said, sounding a bit too excited. Cheng shook his head.

"Nope. That's weird. Talking about my love life to my mom is very weird" he said, making Jing suck her teeth.

"What about your sister?" She smiled. Cheng stood up from the couch and began walking to the kitchen.

"She wouldn't get it. She's not here" Cheng said, looking up from his book.

"How do you know I wouldn't get it?" He heard a smooth voice say from behind him. He quickly turned around and saw his sister, standing before him. He slowly put the book down on the counter and stared at her in awe.

"Surprise!" Jing smiled. Xia held her arms out and Cheng wasted no time in hugging his sister. They hugged for a long time since it had been three years since they saw each other. Xia stroked his hair as he rested his head on her shoulder.

I had so many things to tell her
So many apologies...

"What are you doing here" he asked, his voice cracking. She pulled back and looked at his watering eyes.

"I thought it was about time for me to visit home. It was time I visited my baby brother" She said smiling at him. He rolled his eyes and lightly pushed her.

"I'm not a baby. If anything you're just ancient" He said, smirking. She scoffed playfully and crossed her tattooed arms.

"You're practically a new born" She said in a baby voice.

"How are you standing without your cane Grandma?" He asked her.

"Hey! 15 and 20 year old children of mine, calm down! You're both still babies compared to my 50 years" Jing said, putting the issue at rest.

"Truce?" Cheng asked, putting his hand out to his sister. Xia took a moment to look at his hand before shaking it

"Temporary truce" she said. Jing spent the morning cooking breakfast with both of her children. They laughed and talked about what was new in their lives.

"So how is living Singapore? It had to have been fun" Cheng ask Xia as their mother was watching her favorite soap opera in the living room. The two remained at the table.

"It's cool. Kinda lonely" Xia shrugged.

"Lonely? What happened to the—" Cheng was starting to ask about her boyfriend that she moved in with but she gave him a look. A look that said that she did not tell their mother about the boy.

"Cat you had" Cheng said. Xia gave a thumbs up.

"I gave him back to the shelter" Xia said, referring to how she broke up with the boy.

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