Chapter 8: New Students

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Gotham City was known for its crime and grim city weather. Gotham Academy, on the other hand, was known for its high grades, first place trophies and students that become future leaders of Gotham.

On the outside, you could say the student body was very nice and helpful. That's true for a small amount of the population. The rest of the students are extremely self-centered and snobbish.

Two of the small percentage of nice students were put in charge of welcoming and showing three new students around. Richard "Dick" Grayson and Artemis Crock were currently waiting at the front of the school with more of the more snobby students, Abigail Carson.

Abigail brought out a nail filer and started doing her nails."Ugh, I can't believe I have to greet some lamo newcomers with you two losers."

Artemis rolled her eyes." No one's keeping you here, Abigail. Oh wait, I forgot, your here because you got caught skipping class and instead of getting detention, Principal Donovan let you off with a warning and have you two weeks of community service.

Abigail sent a heavy glare to the blonde." Shut up peasant girl! I'm going to the cafeteria, have fun chaperoning without me!"

"DON'T WORRY WE WILL!" Artemis yelled at the retreating girl with fake kindness.

Dick just sighed at his friend's antics." Did you really have to irritate Abigail, Artemis? We'll probably get in trouble because of her."

"It's not my fault I told the truth. What're the names of those new students again?"

Dick pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket." Well we already know that there's three new students, it's two freshmen and a junior. Their names are Samantha Manson, Tucker Foley and this either says Jasmine or Juliette Masters."

"Those names sound familiar."

"I know, I'll look them up later."

"It's been three days since we found that kid and he hasn't left the room Batman put him in."

"Maybe one of us should check on him to make sure he hasn't died for real. Maybe we'll see why Megan and Zatanna were so upset on Sunday."

Just then a limousine drove up and stopped beside the two friends and three teenagers got out. The two girls exited first. The older one has reddish orange hair set in a low ponytail. She looked both excited to be at school and completely done with life at the same time.

The second girl had shoulder length purplish black hair with a small part of it held back by a hair tie. If the two vigilantes had to guess, this girl was goth, but it was hard to tell with the school's strict uniform policy.

The last one to get out of the limo was a nerdy/ geeky looking African American boy with square glasses. He was furiously typing on a PDA. Looking around he spotted Dick and Artemis and pocketed the PDA and smoothed over his small afro. Smiling at Artemis, the boy introduced himself," Sup gorgeous, the name's Tucker Foley or TF for Too Fine."

The other two girls groaned at Tucker's horrible flirting skills and the goth girl slapped him on the back of his head.

Artemis glared at her friend cackling beside her." Shut up Dick before I tell the others about your literature project."

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