Chapter 18: King Tucker Vs. King Tut Pt.3

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Almost two weeks had passed since the incident at the museum and everyone thought Tucker was acting strange. Everyone but Jazz and Dick had noticed the behavioral change. Jazz had been sick for the past two weeks and Dick had been brooding. Whenever Sam passed by Tucker's room she could've sworn that someone else was in there. Ember refused to sneak them into the techno geek's room ever since she accidentally phased in and caught Tucker pretending to be on a date with some blonde girl from Amity Park. So here she was trying to find a way into Tucker's room without getting caught.

Apparently it was easier than she thought. Tucker came rushing out of his room yelling about some computer club meeting. "Out of the way, Sam! My robotics club meeting was changed from after school to before school and Amy decided to tell me five minutes ago, she was probably hoping I wouldn't make it and be pushed out of the running for club president." He continued rushing around complaining to himself about Amy and other stuff.

Sam waited a couple minutes to make sure Tucker was officially gone. When she was certain he wasn't coming back for anything, she entered the techno geeks room. It was different from the last time Sam had been in it. Tucker had managed to turn part of his room into a mini laboratory, with different objects strewn about. She almost tripped over some kind of machine part that was close to the doorway. "How can Tucker live like this?" Heading further into the room Sam saw something familiar. Floating in front of a mirror was the staff from the museum.

Sam had managed to navigate through all the machine parts and other random stuff scattered around the room. Once close enough, Sam reached out for the staff but it disappeared before her eyes. Something was off, she could feel it. Suddenly an invisible hand wrapped around the teen's throat and she was held against the wall.

A deep voice spoke into her ear. "If you know what's best for you, girl, you'll leave this room and forget about what you saw." The invisible hand harshly dropped Sam on the ground. She wasted no time in leaving the cluttered room.

Once safely down the hall and away from whatever was lurking in Tucker's room, Sam cautiously touched her neck and winced at the instant pain. "That's gonna leave a bruise. How am I going to hide this at school?"

Elsewhere across Gotham at the Wayne residence, two vigilantes were at a stalemate. Bruce "Are you finally going to tell me why you've been sulking lately? I could always check the video feed to find out what happened that night."

Dick sighed, he didn't want to tell Bruce about what happened that night. Something strange happened and there hadn't been a chance to figure it out what it was. Dick wanted to find out on his own and the moment he told Bruce, he would immediately start looking into the museum incident and the younger vigilante wanted a chance to work on a case himself. Finally deciding to voice his thoughts, Dick finally spoke. "I don't know what exactly happened that night and I haven't had a chance to try and figure it out."

Bruce nodded, happy that Dick actually decided to open up to him. "I could start a search while you're at school."

Dick might have answered too quickly. " NO! I mean I want to do this on my own. You weren't there when it happened. Something strange happened during my fight with King Tut and I want to figure it out on my own."

"What do you mean by strange?" Bruce barely acknowledged the last part of what his ward said. He was in detective mode now and the only focus was on what could have possibly happened at the museum.

"Well you already know that Tucker passed out in the museum basement after looking into a mirror. But when I went back to the museum to examine the mirror and a couple artifacts other artifacts that belonged to the Duulaman empire when I ran into King Tut. Somewhere during the fight some of the artifacts went missing. I only noticed when I'd gone back after putting Tut back in Arkham I noticed they were gone."

"Did you notice anything during the fight?"

Dick thought for a moment. "I could've sworn I heard someone call us fleshbags, whatever that means. Tut actually stopped what he was doing to search for the voice and I used the opportunity to knock him out."

Alfred walked into the dining room before Bruce could ask anything else. "We'll be leaving for school in five minutes Master Richard."

"Okay Alfred."

"I have some work I need to get to, have a nice day Alfred." Bruce attempted to leave the room but Alfred stopped him.

"That work wouldn't happen to be the case Master Richard asked you to let him work on his own is it, Master Bruce?"

That's exactly what he was going to do, but the billionaire was going to deny it anyway. "Of course not Alfred. Dick asked me not to interfere."

"I shall hold you to that sir. You wouldn't want to break your promise." With that the butler disappeared out the door.

Bruce sighed as Alfred walked away. He hadn't even tried keeping his promise to Dick for five minutes before attempting to head to the Batcave. He should really work on that.

While all the "normal" people of Gotham were getting ready for school, jobs and whatever else they had going on, William Omaha McElroy also now more commonly known as King Tut. He was currently glowering on a fake Egyptian throne inside an abandoned country club. Joker had gone on a frenzy inside Arkham and during the chaos Tut and several other villains managed to escape. Standing up suddenly, he yelled in frustration. "The artifacts were mine for the taking before that little brat showed up! Now there's no telling where they are!"

A lowly crook who went by Nubis decided to speak at the risk of being thrown into the stockades. "That giant portrait was still at the museum. Maybe we could see if there's anyone that looks like it."

"Shut up Nubis, I'm thinking!" King Tut snapped his fingers. "I've got it! We'll look for anyone that looks like that horrid portrait at the museum! Sometimes my brilliance astounds me."

"But that was my-"

"Nubis! You, Osiris and some other tutlings scope through Thebes until you find that 'other' pharaoh."

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