Chapter 26: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 1

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Dani was currently patrolling Amity Park. It may be in a different dimension, but the town was almost exactly the same. She thought back to the clips from this reality Clockwork showed her before sending her off.

A ten year old Sam and Tucker watched as the only fast food place exploded in front of their eyes. Realization hit them as they realized why their friend tried to warn everyone not to go to the Nasty Burger.

Maddie Fenton was sobbing uncontrollably with Jack and Vlad on either side of her trying in vain to console her. "My poor baby boy!..."

An infant Danny and four year old Jazz were being babysat by Vlad. "Uncle Vlad! Do the thing!"

"What thing are you talking about my dear?"

"You know, the thing!"

The older halfa smirked as he adjusted the squirming baby in his lap. "You mean this!" With one hand he created a glowing ball of light that slowly morphed into different animals.

"Yay!" The small redhead chased the little bird that was created while her brother reached for the dragon.

A six year old Danny is watching all the different performers and clowns entertain the crowd from the center of a large circus tent. Wanting to get a closer look at everything, he looks over at Jack Fenton to see he's intently trying to flag down the cotton candy vendor. Taking the opportunity the raven haired boy snuck under the bleachers and carefully climbed down to the floor.

Dash Baxter was talking to a petite blonde woman, laughing and chatting idly while a tall figure dressed completely in black watched them from afar.

Walker and his goons were chasing a eight in a half year old Danny Phantom through the Ghost Zone. "Give up runt! You're only making your sentence longer!"

Danny turned and stuck his tongue out. "How am I getting in trouble for bringing a human object here when I AM a human object!"

A bald man wearing an expensive looking business suit carefully watched the incubator that was in front of him. "Why does this one look different from all of the others?"

A short scientist adjusted the papers in his hands. "We aren't entirely sure sir. That thing was harder to clone than superman and this is one of the few stable clones we still have. Most of the clones we've already created disintegrated into puddles of goo."

"How many do I still have left exactly?"

"Including this one... only two sir."

The bald man glared at the scientist. "Find a way to keep them from destabilizing. Use Superman's DNA if you have to."

The ghost of time couldn't show her any more than that. None of it made any sense except for the explosion. Amity Park just finished building the new building and even opened a new location somewhere else. One thing the female halfa couldn't get over was the Vlad Masters of this universe. Even with the small scene Clockwork had shown of him and the research she'd done to learn about this world, Dani didn't trust him at all and hoped they never met.

Her mission was supposed to be simple; find out why the teens of Amity Park are disappearing, meet the heroes of this universe and help them, be a good influence on herself?... whatever that was supposed to mean and on the off chance she did meet the Vlad of this universe, punch him in the face.

But that wasn't really going according to plan. In order to find out why the teens were disappearing she needed to at least talk to one of them first. Why did she have to inherit Danny's and subsequently Jack's social skills? Neither of the Fenton men were known for talking to people. Dani inwardly groaned, "When did I become an introvert? I like meeting new people. It was the best part of exploring the world."

Flying invisibly over Casper High, Dani saw a couple people she recognized. There was Dash and Kwan tossing a football to each other while completely disregarding everyone around them. Paulina was sitting on a bench applying makeup to herself when a bird pooped in her hair. She stood up in a mixture of horror and anger. "STUPID BIRD! NO ONE RUINS MY HAIR!"

Dani giggled at the sight. Apparently Paulina is the same no matter what dimension or timeline it was. There was also Wes typing something furiously on his phone. Back home he was the person to go to if something suspicious was going on, maybe it was the same here? There was only one way to find out.

Several hours of invisibly patrolling the town and some of its citizens, Dani's stomach began to growl. "Maybe I should get some food." Touching down in one of the alleys the female halfa transformed and walked towards the newly rebuilt Nasty Burger. Entering the establishment she was surprised to see the very person she needed to talk to, Wes Weston. "Maybe if I try to blend in, I can buy some time to figure out what I need to say..."

As luck would have it, Wes looked over as soon as the halfa entered. "Its about time you showed up! I don't know what your deal is but we need to talk and avoiding me is going to waste time!"

The female halfa deflated, all hope of a̶v̶o̶i̶d̶i̶n̶g̶ r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ waiting for the right moment to talk to Wes were thrown out the window. She gave a forced smile and slowly walked over to the red head. "Great..." The Wes from her world was always observant of people, it should've been obvious this one would be too.

"I already took the liberty of ordering you some food. So are you the person Clockwork told me I would meet? Don't give me that look, I don't know what version of Amity Park you're from but you wouldn't have come to this one without a good reason."

"You get straight to the point don't you?" Dani sat down at the booth the older teen was at. "How much do you already know about me?"

Wes took a sip of his soda. "From what I was able to see your related to the Fenton's. Are you Danny Fenton but as a female or are you just related to him since you have ghost powers similar to his?"

Dani shifted uncomfortably, "Well, you're kind of right. I'm technically a female version of Danny but I'm not really comfortable saying anything more than that."

"Understandable, its probably irrelevant anyway. Why were you sent to this timeline?"

"Clockwork sent me here to figure out why the teens in this Amity Park are disappearing." A server walked over to the booth carrying two trays. The first had a double nasty burger with cheese, all of the toppings were on the side with regular French fries. The other tray had a chicken sandwich with extra nasty sauce and curly fries. "Which one is mine?"

"You have the burger and I got the chicken." The older teen immediately started munching on his fries, nodding his head in approval. "Its good but the original was better."

"At least the recipe stayed mostly the same. But what can you tell me about this version of Amity Park that's different? and how did you know about me already?"

Wes' eyes glowed momentarily. "Isn't it obvious?"

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