Chapter 19: King Tucker Vs King Tut Pt.4

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The students of Gotham Academy were currently in their third period classes. Dick, Sam and Tucker were all studying for an exam when the intercom crackled to life. "Richard Grayson, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley please report to the principal's office. I repeat, Richard Grayson, Samantha Manson and Tucker Foley please report to the principal's office."

The teens glanced confusedly at each other while ignoring the 'oos' and stares from the rest of the class. The teacher quickly shushed them. "Come straight back to class when you're finished at the front office, no skipping!" She stared directly at Sam as she said the last part, but immediately looked away when said girl glared in her direction.

Once in the hallway they each started questioning what was going on. Dick spoke first, "Do you guys have any idea why we were called to the principals office?"

Tucker shrugged, "Maybe it was something Sam did."

"Hey! I've only had one protest this week and it wasn't even at school."

"Then why did we get called up here?"

The three teens stood outside the front office, none of them wanting to be the one to knock. "I guess we should find out. So who wants to knock on the door?" Tucker turned around to find his friends on the other side of the hall. "Oh come on!" Sam gave a thumbs up while Dick made a go ahead motion. Tucker sighed and finally knocked on the door. Not even a second later the door was opened by the GCPD. Both boys turned to Sam. "Are you sure this isn't because of you?"

Outside Gotham Academy, Shirley, King Tut's fangirl and occasional henchgirl, was just arriving at school when she got a text saying to keep an eye out for someone that looked like the portrait at the museum. "I don't even know what they're talking about." Her phone dinged again. This time it was a picture of King Duulaman. "He looks familiar..." She started back making her way to the school entrance.

Back inside the principals office, Tucker was the only one feeling intimidated by the Gotham police being in the room as well. "Are- are we being accused of something?! Are we getting arrested?!"

The police officer was quick to reassure the panicking boy. "No, nothing like that. The museum recently noticed that a couple of their artifacts that were part of the Duulaman Empire and you three were the last people that were at the exhibit. The museum just wants to know if you noticed anything unusual."

Tucker sighed in relief while the others let out breaths they didn't know they were holding. Sam was the first to answer. "The only unusual thing that happened was Tucker passing out after looking in the mirror."

The principal and policeman both looked at the now embarrassed teen. "Your teacher mentioned someone had been injured but never said who or how. Are you alright?"

Tucker didn't meet anyone's gaze. "I'm fine now. Thanks for asking, I guess."

There was a moment of awkward silence before the officer cleared his throat. "Do you kids remember anything else before your friend passed out?" When the teens shook their heads he moved on. "Do you recognize any of these artifacts? They're what's missing from the museum. Sam was given a picture of Duulaman's giant portrait, Dick was given a picture of Duulaman's staff while Tucker was given a photo of a sarcophagus.

"Was this sarcophagus part of the Duulaman exhibit? I don't recognize it." Tucker let the others look at the photo before giving it back.

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