Chapter 12: Who Needs A Babysitter When You're Half-Dead

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Two days have passed since the incident with Circus Gothica happened and the team was starting to worry about their 'guest'. Danny hadn't woken up from the knockout ball yet. Everyone was worried about him, Wally and Megan were the most worried about him the most.

Megan was worried because in the short time that they've known each other, it felt like a bond was forming. It was also starting to get easier to make a mental connection with Danny as well, his voice also didn't sound as far away as it use to. The only strange thing about hearing Danny's voice in heard head was how there was always a slight echo.

Wally was worried about Danny for an entirely different reason. He hadn't meant to upset the younger boy, but he was a 'man' of science and science has proven and disproven several myths and facts. Danny had said that his parents had been scientists that studied ghosts, but there hadn't been any time to research them. So while the others went on the impromptu mission, Wally was staying at Mt. Justice with Black Canary watching them. It was kind of nice not having a denmother for the last week, but now the team is back to having one.

Megan was floating down the hallway to Danny's room. She'd been periodically trying to connect to Danny telepathically, but she wasn't getting through. After the second attempt she just settled for seeing when he'd wake up. Megan had also been practicing making soft foods, along with cold treats so that when Danny finally woke up he'd be able to eat.

Zatanna walked passed the other girl, putting her hair into a high pony tail. "How's the patient Dr. Megan?"

"I'm not sure yet, do you want to come with me to see if Danny's awake yet?"

"Sure, I haven't really gotten a good look at him yet anyway. I mean except for when Wally and Conner brought him to the med bay and he bolted."

The two girls continued down the hallway and stopped at the younger boy's door. A loud thump could be heard on the other side of the door. Glancing at each other, the girls rushed to open the door. As soon as they opened it, they saw the still white haired boy struggling to untangle himself from his bedsheets. Finally breaking free, Danny frantically looked around the room, his eyes very unfocused.

Megan rushed over to the boy, relieved that he was finally awake. "Danny are you okay?"

Danny didn't respond, his breath quickened and his eyes continued to dart around the room.

"I don't think he can hear us, try making a mind link. I'll go get Black Canary." Zatanna ran out of the room to go find their Denmother.

It didn't take long for Megan to make the connection, but she hadn't expected to be pulled into Danny's mind. There was a strong wind along with a heavy snowfall making it hard to see, but she could barely make out a small figure trying to protect themselves from shadowy figures.

One of the figures would float closer to whom she assumed was Danny and he would curl in on himself further. "Danny is that you!?" She tried taking a step forward, but it felt like something was trying to push her back.

The closer the Martian got, the more she noticed how odd his appearance was. His hair was black with white streaks, his eyes were a perfect swirling of blue and green. The strangest thing about his appearance were his clothes.

It's like they couldn't decide on a permanent appearance; one moment he's wearing a white and red shirt with denim pants, then a second later he was wearing a black and silver hazmat suit. They were constantly shifting back and forth.

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