Chapter 2: Accidental Rescue Pt. 2

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Aqualad knew the mission wouldn't stay covert

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Aqualad knew the mission wouldn't stay covert. It never does, but he'd still like to accomplish that. He, Superboy and Artemis were almost to the large group of people, walking carefully through the woods in case they still had the element of surprise. "Are your ears okay Superboy?"

Superboy paused for a moment to check his ears." I think they're fine as long as I'm not nearby whatever made that noise. It was louder than the Canary Cry."

Everyone suddenly heard Kidflash and Robin's voices in their heads." There wasn't much on our end. Just computers and weapons. The computer I used didn't have any protection, not even a password for logging in."

"None of the weapons in that building looked like they do what made the bioship crash."

Soon everyone heard Miss Martian's voice" the bioship is fully healed. Have you guys made it to the large group of people yet?"

"We will in a couple minutes." The group of three were soon joined by Kidflash carrying Robin piggyback style, then a moment later Miss Martian flew up to them.

Superboy cocked his head to the side, listening intently to something." There's a fight going on, and by the sounds of it these people are trying to recapture a... ghost? That can't be right."

"We won't know what they're fighting until we actually make it to our destination." The team quickened their pace until they were atop a small hill looking down at a sea of men and women, all wearing white. They immediately noticed a young boy, probably younger than Robin, struggling to fend off the large group. He was completely dirty with glowing green chains on his arms and an inhibitor collar around his neck that seemed to be sending several shocks as he struggled to keep fighting. Somewhere in the sea of white, the sound of an energy beam could be heard and something hit the boy in the chest, allowing the group to swarm him as he quickly lost consciousness.

The team didn't say anything as they all leapt into action, not wasting a single moment in helping this kid escape.

Line Break

Danny had managed to use his invisibility and intangibility in short bursts at the risk of the inhibitor collar giving him a shock. Small jolts of electricity he could handle, Danny used to shock himself when helping fix his parents inventions. His parents... his family..."No, don't think about them now," Danny shook his head. If he thought of what the GIW did to his family, then he would break down and breaking down would alert the agents searching for him, and if they found him he'd end up right back on that dissection table.

Two voices were nearing the empty hallway Danny was currently sneaking through. Danny paused and quickly tried to go invisible. He flickered for a moment before staying invisible, ignoring the shocking accessory around his neck. Just in case his powers failed Danny dove behind a large crate that was 'conveniently' in the hallway. Rounding the corner were agents K and O, his 'favorite' agents in the entire facility... not. If Danny were forced to chose which agent was his favorite it would be agent F, she would occasionally give him food and water, she also would turn a blind eye she saw the young halfa during his escape attempts.

"Ugh, I can't believe we have to deal with this scums escape attempt again."

"I know, but once it's recaptured and experimented on, we can sell it to Mr. Luther and have enough money to retire to Hawaii. It's a shame we lost that human freak's staff, it would've been easier to get that other freak in line." The two started laughing as they walked away.

Danny's eyes narrowed at the thought of being used as a weapon. If escaping hadn't already been his top priority, it definitely was now. Dropping his invisibility that was surprisingly still active, Danny decided to break through as many walls as the inhibitor collar would allow. Fortunately, he was able to reach the outside, unfortunately, several GIW agents were waiting for him. The ones in the sky had the weapon that helped create the Ghostly Wail; a sonic cannon infused with blood blossom and powered by ectoranium.

Just one hit from those things made his entire body writhe in agony, but getting hit several times unleashed his ghostly wail, and with the muzzle still secured around his face did not fare well for his vocal chords. It would be several weeks before his throat healed, and that's if he's able to get the collar off. Just as he got his bearings, another blast hit him squarely in the chest. Danny couldn't fight off the impending darkness surrounding his vision. The last thing he saw before completely blacking out were blurry figures taking down the GIW.

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