Chapter 24: What's Wrong with Me!?

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Danny wasn't sure what was going on with him. One moment he's putting the finishing touches on Jazz's build a bear, the next he's running through the mall trying to escape his reflection. There was someone in those reflections that looked like him but vastly different at the same time. He could vaguely hear someone calling after him, but he ignored it. He had to get away, he just had to!

But what exactly had brought on this distorted version of himself. Danny tried to think back to the last ten minutes. Barry was frowning at something on his phone and he was just about to ask what was wrong when his heightened ears picked up on a conversation between one of the workers and a little kid. "Your bear looks so cool! But is it a pirate or a princess?"

The little girl proudly held up her bear. It was a rainbow teddy bear. It wore a light purple dress with a tattered vest. There was a sword in one paw and a wand in the other. An eyepatch covered one eye while a tiara and brown wig sat atop its head. "She's a pirate princess! It's what I'm gonna be when I grow up!"

"Well she's not a true pirate princess just yet. You forgot about the animal companion. How about a parrot? It's a good animal companion for a princess and a pirate isn't a pirate without a parrot!"

He stopped listening after that. What the worker had said was true. Danny thought back to his encounter with Youngblood. Where was Bones? The annoying sidekick to the ghost pirate had been nowhere to be found. Then he remembered what Youngblood had said. "The Ghost Zone's pretty hectic right now. Ghosts have been going missing lately. Walker's having a field day trying to figure it out."

At some point Danny started spiraling in his thoughts. Why was he just now thinking about all the missing ghosts!? How many ghosts disappeared when he found out!? How many have disappeared since then!? Are the GIW behind it or is it someone else!? "It's you're fault." Danny paused, looking around for the voice. It sounded familiar but he was certain he'd never heard it before. "They're disappearing because of you." It was his reflection! But reflections can't speak... can they? Apparently his could.

Not wanting to draw attention to himself Danny made sure no one was watching and turned invisible and quickly left the store. Maybe it was the reflective surfaces of build a bear. Glancing inside another store, he saw that wasn't the case. Danny was still invisible but his reflection wasn't. "You still don't know who I am do you. You'll remember soon enough." The reflection's appearance started to change. First it changed into Phantom, then it grew older and taller. The reflection's skin slowly turned from tan to a shade of blue similar to Vlad's ghost form. During the transition the reflection had closed its eyes. They flew open and instead the toxic green that was Phantom, they were a blood red. The reflection gave the young male a sadistic smirk, showing off sharp fangs.

"DANNY!" Barry came running out of Build a Bear with all the bears that were made, panic written all over his face. Where did he go? If only he'd been paying attention to the kid instead of looking at the news broadcast none of this would've happened. Bats will be furious if he finds out he failed the simplest mission he'd ever been given. Danny still had the tracker he'd given him so he should be able to find him but the mall was so crowded. Adults were getting off work and were running errands while teenagers were trying to find places they could hang out after school.

The speedster pulled his phone back out and pulled up the tracker. The raven haired boy was moving fast. It was almost as if something was chasing him. "What're you running from kid?"

It was hard tracking down someone that could phase through objects. It was even harder when Barry realized Danny was also invisible. After twenty minutes of searching the older hero finally found the younger underneath a bed display at Belk. "Danny are you under here?" Danny became visible and slowly made his way from under the fake bed. "Why'd you run off like that? You had me worried sick"

"I want to go home." The teen's voice was barely audible but Barry still heard him.

"Alright sure, we can head back to the cave if you want."

"Not there, my home. Back in Amity Park."

Somewhere in Arkham Asylum a raven haired boy about sixteen years old opened his eyes and glared at the ceiling. "It's time."

A/N: It's my birthday today so please enjoy these chapters🎂

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