Chapter 9: You're a what?

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Conner was currently doing one of his hobbies, watching static on the TV. The others thought it was strange, but it just helped the Kryptonian think. The only thing on his and everyone else's mind was the boy hiding in one of the mountain's bedrooms. He looked like a ten year old, but Batman said he could be older. It was hard to tell with how thin he was.

Megan floated into the room carrying a plate of sandwiches. "Hey Conner, do you want any- Oh hi Danny, it's nice to see you out of your room."

Conner was surprised to see Danny sitting on the floor near him. He was wearing some of Robin's workout clothes since they were the closest in size and even those were too big for him. His knees were drawn to his chest and his eyes were trained on the static TV.

Megan brought the sandwiches over to the two boys. "Do you guys want a sandwich."

Danny looked at the sandwiches sadly, before shaking his head. His stomach decided to betray him in that moment.

The two older teens glanced at each other before glancing down at the possible ten year old. "Danny why don't you want a sandwich? Aren't you starving?"

Instead of trying to respond, the younger turned invisible and intangible and ran away or at least that's what the older teens thought. "DANNY!"

Danny had moved to sit in the corner of the lounge room. He wanted to eat, he really did but his throat hurt too much. He could just phase the food into his stomach, but that just seemed gross. There was also the fact that he hadn't had a consistent meal for three years. So instead he watched his sorta captors look around the room for him.

Aqualad B02

Aqualad walked out of the zeta tube and over to his friends who were slightly panicking. "What's wrong?" Did something bad happen?"

"I offered Danny a sandwich, he refused but looked really sad about it, then his stomach growled and he disappeared."

"Is his throat healed enough to eat the sandwich?"

Megan lightly hit the side of her head. "Hello Megan, I should've realized that Danny would need soft foods or liquids to eat."

"Try using your telepathy to locate him."

Superboy turned to the corner Danny was sitting in. "He's in the corner, his stomach growled again."

"I'll still set up a mindlink so we can talk to him." Miss M tried to see if the mental connection she'd made with Danny three days ago was still intact. "Danny can you here me? I'm sorry I forgot about your throat."

"Leave me alone."

"We just want to help you."

Danny scoffed mentally, "I've heard that one before." He started ranting about things the GIW had said to him. "We're just trying to better humanity by keeping scum like you locked away and experimented on. You're a freak who deserves to be eradicated, but the big boss says to keep you alive. Quit lying ghosts can't feel pain, your just mimicking the human emotions of the boy who's body you stole."

The others couldn't believe what they heard over the mindlink. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. My name is Kalder'ahm but my friends call me Kaldur. I'm also known as Aqualad. You've already met Megan and this is Conner also known as Superboy."

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