Chapter 27: Detective Dani and the Case of the Missing Teens Pt. 2

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Dani and Wes were currently on the bleachers at the Casper High football field. They were waiting for football and cheer to end so that they could talk to the others. "So how did you guys get your powers?"

Wes sighed in thought. "Most of us got our powers the night of the explosion. A bunch of little kids waking up in a panic in the middle of the night to a loud explosion. It was very stressful."

"That doesn't fully answer my question. I know there's a lot of ectoplasm in this town because I can sense it, but that explosion seemed to only activate your powers not give them to you. If that was how it worked then everyone in town would've gotten powers as well."

"We're still trying to figure that out." The red haired boy suddenly moved to the side as a rogue football came hurling through the space he had just occupied. "There are way better ways to tell me practice is over than that!"

Dash yelled back from the field. "You always dodge anyway!"

Wes rolled his eyes and stood up. "Come on let's go before he tries to throw one at you."

Dani stood up and followed the older boy down the bleachers to where Dash, Paulina, Star and Mikey were starting to gather. "Where exactly are we going?"

"You'll see..."

Dani quietly followed the older teens... could they really be considered older teens to her now? They were all the same age in this universe. They were all so familiar and yet complete strangers, what do you even say to someone like that? Is this how high school will be? Oh how she hoped not.

The group stopped in front of a seemingly normal looking building. Something about its appearance unsettled the halfa. Looking around at the rest of the street Dani saw it looked extremely familiar, she'd definitely been here before considering it was Amity Park but something about this place felt completely off.

Wes walked to the front door of the building. His eyes glowed a neon orange along with his hands. There was a ripple in the air and Dani saw a familiar green sign and a giant metal monstrosity on the roof before it quickly disappeared. Before she could say anything Wes put a finger to his lips.

Everyone quickly made their way inside Dani tried once again to say something only to have her mouth covered by Star as a heavy pounding on the front door was heard. After several long minutes whoever it was gave up and the teens let out nervous sighs.

Moving the blonde girl's hand away, Dani turned to the red haired male. "Okay what is going on and who was trying to break in? Also what happened to Fenton Works?"

The others silently stared each other down before turning to Wes. Apparently he was the unofficial leader. Said teen was raking his fingers through his hair and muttering to himself. Taking a deep breath he turned to address the female halfa. "To answer one of those questions, that was Valerie Gray. She's one of us or at least she was..."

Dash put an arm around the ginger. "It's fine, babe, you don't have to explain everything. Although, " he glanced over at the shorter teen. "It seems like you don't even know why you're here. What were you even told?"

The teens started making their way to the entrance to the ops center. Dani bit her lip and avoided everyone's gaze. "It's starting to feel that way. Clockwork wasn't able to see much in this world and what he was able to show me didn't really make any sense. Are we going to the ops center?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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